Chapter 2


Change the wallpaper (the background) on your desktop.

either right-click on the desktop and select change desktop background or click on the main menu (the red hat icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen), selecting preferences-control center and clicking on desktop wallpaper.


Locate a file called magic on the system. Hint: You can use the locate command to do this.

just type locate magic, and the locate command will print a list of file names with the word magic in them. you may also use the search tool, invoked from the main menu by choosing search for files.


Check your system s load average.

you can find the load average of the system with the uptime command. review the section on monitoring the system (in chapter 2 ) to learn more.



Either right-click on the desktop and select Change Desktop Background or click on the Main Menu (the Red Hat icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen), selecting Preferences>Control Center and clicking on Desktop Wallpaper.


Just type locate magic, and the locate command will print a list of file names with the word magic in them. You may also use the Search Tool, invoked from the Main Menu by choosing Search for Files.


You can find the load average of the system with the uptime command. Review the section on monitoring the system (in Chapter 2) to learn more.

Beginning Fedora 2
Beginning Fedora 2
ISBN: 0764569961
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 170 © 2008-2017.
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