

H channel, 548

H.323 protocol, 493, 547

hackers, 479, 547–548

targets of, 482–485

half-duplex mode, 19, 548

for Ethernet, 102, 102

handshake, 548

hardware address, 548

hardware for LANs, 6–10

ATM switches, 10, 11

bridges, 7, 7–8, 527

and collisions, 70

design considerations, 74

segmentation with, 70–71, 71

vs. switches, 74

gateways, 9, 547

hubs, 8, 8, 549

and collisions, 70

repeaters, 6, 6–7, 574

and collisions, 70

maximum distance for end nodeswith, 106

routers, 9, 9. See also routers

switches, 8, 89, 585. See also Layer 2 switching

vs. bridges, 74

and collisions, 70

for LANs, 86–87

real world scenario on configuration, 88

redundant links between, 77–78

security, 482–483

hardware for WANs, 10, 10–11

HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control) protocol, 33, 231–232, 237, 548

HDSL (high bit-rate DSL), 244

header compression, 413

header translation, 297

Hello packets, 321–322, 335

helper address, 548

hierarchical addressing, 278, 548

hierarchical network topology, 190–197. See also Enterprise Composite Network Model

benefits, 191–193

in case study, 509, 510

three-layer, 193–197

access layer, 196–197

core layer, 194–195

distribution layer, 195–196

high bit-rate DSL (HDSL), 244

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol, 33, 231–232, 548

High-Speed Communication Interface(HSCI), 549

High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI), 549

HIP (HSSI Interface Processor), 548

History group in RMON, 439

hold-down timers, in IGRP, 328

holddown, 321, 332, 548–549

hop count, 319, 549

OSPF and, 357

hops, 318, 549

host-based IDS (HIDS) systems, 486, 549

Host group in RMON, 439

Host-to-Host layer (DOD), 121

protocols, 124–127

hosts, security for, 485

HostTopN group in RMON, 439

Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), 202, 202, 203, 549

HSCI (High-Speed CommunicationInterface), 549

HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol), 202, 202, 203, 549

HSSI (High-Speed Serial Interface), 549

HSSI Interface Processor (HIP), 548

hubs, 8, 8, 549

and collisions, 70

hybrid network, 549

hybrid routing, balanced, 324–325

CCDA. Cisco Certified Design Associate Study Guide
CCDA: Cisco Certified Design Associate Study Guide, 2nd Edition (640-861)
ISBN: 0782142001
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 201 © 2008-2017.
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