4.5 Descriptors

Model MBeans use the descriptors to support additional metadata and policy for caching, persistence, and logging for the management interface defined in ModelMBeanInfo . Simply put, a descriptor is a set of unordered keyword= value pairs that can be accessed with the Descriptor interface.

Copies of descriptors are retrieved from the management interface element with the DescriptorAccess interface. A different descriptor type is defined for and implemented by ModelMBeanOperationInfo , ModelMBeanConstructor- Info , ModelMBeanAttributeInfo , and ModelMBeanNotificationInfo . You can also retrieve and set descriptors from methods on ModelMBeanInfo . You can get and set descriptors by name or descriptor type ( mbean , attribute , operation , notification ):

 interface Descriptor {    java.lang.Object clone();   java.lang.String[] getFieldNames();   java.lang.String[] getFields();   java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName);   java.lang.Object[] getFieldValues(java.lang.String[] fieldNames);   boolean isValid();   void removeField(java.lang.String fieldName);   void setField(java.lang.String fieldName,                 java.lang.Object fieldValue);   void setFields(java.lang.String[] fieldNames,      java.lang.Object[] fieldValues); } 

The Descriptor interface allows a variety of accesses . You can retrieve one descriptor field, a specific set of descriptor fields, or all descriptor fields. The Descriptor interface also provides a method that can be used to validate that the current value of the descriptor is valid for its descriptor type.

A set of descriptor keywords are defined by the JMX specification to ensure standard and uniform functionality and treatment. We will cover these in detail later in this section.

Note that you can set values for descriptors as well. You can replace an entire field value. In the setField() method the fieldValue parameter is copied into the descriptor. New keywords can be added by applications or adapters at any time (see Section 4.8.3).

The Descriptor interface is implemented by the DescriptorSupport class. You can use this class to create descriptors in a variety of ways. Choose the one that's easiest for you because there is no difference in the net effect:

  • Instantiate with an array of name=value strings:

     // Instantiate Descriptors using the array  Descriptor timeStateDescA =  new  DescriptorSupport(  new  String[] {           "name=Time",           "descriptorType=attribute",           "displayName=currentTime",           "getMethod=getTime",           "setMethod=setTime",           "currencyTimeLimit=20" }); 

    This style does not support setting object values for the descriptor.

  • Make a series of setField() method calls:

     // Instantiate Descriptors using the field setters  Descriptor timeStateDescF =  new  DescriptorSupport(); timeStateDescF.setField("name","Time"); timeStateDescF.setField("descriptorType","attribute"); timeStateDescF.setField("displayName","currentTime"); timeStateDescF.setField("getMethod","getTime"); timeStateDescF.setField("setMethod","setTime"); timeStateDescF.setField("currencyTimeLimit","20"); 

    This style is somewhat less efficient in processing, but it is easier to adjust during development because you can just comment out the statements for the fields you no longer want to set. This is the style you should use if the type for the field is Object and you need to save an object value as the descriptor value. Here is how to set a value for an object attribute that reflects the start date for an application:

     Date currDate =  new  Date();  timeStateDescF.setField("value", currDate); 
  • Call the setField() method with an array of names and values:

     Descriptor timeStateDescFA =  new  DescriptorSupport();  String[] fieldnames =  new  String[] {"name",         "descriptorType",         "displayName",         "getMethod",         "setMethod",         "currencyTimeLimit"}; Object[] fieldvalues =  new  Object[] {  new  String("Time"),  new  String("attribute"),  new  String("currentTime"),  new  String("getTime"),  new  String("setTime"),  new  String("20") }; timeStateDescFA.setFields(fieldnames,fieldvalues); 

This style does support object values.

The Descriptor interface also supports a clone() operation that is very convenient for creating new descriptors from existing ones as templates. The remove() and setField() methods make it very simple to selectively modify the descriptor.

Sections 4.5.1 through 4.5.5 cover the standard descriptor keywords supported by all model MBeans. These descriptor keywords are defined in the JMX specification [13] as well. Section 4.6 then discusses caching and persistence behavior in the model MBean.

4.5.1 Model MBean Descriptors

Descriptors at the MBean level define default policies for the attributes, operations, and notifications for persistence, caching, and logging. Table 4.1 shows the descriptors that are valid for model MBeans.

Table 4.1. Valid Model MBean Descriptors



name , displayName

The logical and displayable names of the model MBean.


Must be "mbean" to signal that this descriptor applies to the model MBean.


The version of this model MBean.


If this is set to a value, then the model MBean is exported to a registry (like JNDI) or somehow made visible to entities outside the MBeanServer. The value is used to assist with the export. If the value is null , then an export is not performed. See Section (Export).

persistPolicy , persistPeriod , persistLocation , persistName

See Section 4.6.4 (Persistence).

currencyTimeLimit , lastReturnedValue , lastUpdatedTimeStamp

See Section 4.6.1 (Caching).

log , logFile

See Section 4.6.5 (Logging).


See Section (Visibility).


See Section (Presentation String).

Looking back at the Apache server example again, we can see an example of the model MBean descriptor. Here is another example for an Apache server that also defines a persistence policy:

 //   Set MBean descriptor example    Descriptor mmbDescription =  new  DescriptorSupport(  new  String[] {     "name=apacheServerManager",        // server MBean name     "descriptorType=mbean",            // MBean descriptor     "displayName=apache server MBean", // screen name of MBean     "log=T",                           // log all notifications     "logFile=jmxmain.log",             // log in jmxmain.log     "currencyTimeLimit=10",            // cache all attribute                                        // values for 10 seconds     "persistPolicy=noMoreOftenThan",   // persist on change     "persistPeriod=10",                // no more often than                                        // 10 seconds     "persistLocation=jmxRepository",   // save in jmxRepository                                        // directory     "persistName=serverMBean"});       // save in file called                                        // serverMBean 

The descriptorType field is set to "mbean" to indicate that this is an MBean descriptor. The displayName field is set to "serverMBean". The line log=T indicates that all notifications will be logged into the file named in the logFile field: jmxmain.log . The line currencyTimeLimit=10 means that all attributes in this model MBean will be cached for up to 10 seconds. After a value is 10 seconds old, it will be retrieved from the managed resource again. The persistPolicy field is set to noMoreOftenThan with a persistPeriod value of 10 . This means that the attribute values will be saved to a directory called jmxRepository in a file called serverBean whenever they are updated, but no more often than every 10 seconds. This restriction prevents high rates of updates that are not meaningful.

4.5.2 Attribute Descriptors

The model MBean attribute descriptor includes policy and configuration for managing its persistence, caching, protocol mapping, and handling of get and set requests . When the model MBean is created by the managed resource, the managed resource defines the operations that will be executed by the model MBean that will satisfy the get and set of the attribute. By defining operations, the actual methods called to satisfy getAttribute() and setAttribute() requests are allowed to vary and to be delegated to a wide range of objects at runtime. This flexibility enables management of distributed, dynamic applications. If an attribute has no operation associated with it, the values are maintained in the value descriptor field in the model MBean.

Let's look at the implications of this a little more closely. If an attribute has no method signature associated with it, then no managed-resource method can be invoked to satisfy it. This means that for setAttribute() , the value is simply cached in the model MBean and any AttributeChangeNotification listeners are sent an attribute change notification ”that is, an AttributeChangeNotification instance. For getAttribute() , the currently cached value for the attribute in the model MBean itself is simply returned. In this case there is no delegation to a managed resource. This can be useful for static information and helps minimize the interruption of managed resources to retrieve static resource information.

When attribute value caching is supported, if the data requested is current, then the model MBean returns its cached value and the managed resource is not interrupted with a data retrieval request. Because direct interaction with the managed resource is not required for each interaction with the management system, the impact of management activity on runtime application resources and performance is minimized.

Table 4.2 shows the descriptors that are supported in the ModelMBeanAttributeInfo descriptor.

This attribute descriptor example is based on the State attribute of the Apache model MBean example and illustrates most of the fields:

 // Set attribute descriptor examples  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] aAttributes =  new  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[3]; // State Descriptor stateDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport(); stateDesc.setField("name","State"); stateDesc.setField("descriptorType","attribute"); stateDesc.setField("displayName","Apache Server State"); stateDesc.setField("getMethod","getState"); stateDesc.setField("setMethod","setState"); stateDesc.setField("currencyTimeLimit","20"); aAttributes[0] =  new  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("State",         "java.lang.String",         "State: state string.",  true,   true,   false,  stateDesc); 
Table 4.2. ModelMBeanAttributeInfo Descriptors



name , displayName

The logical and displayable names of the model MBean attribute. The displayable name should be human readable and may be internationalized. If displayName is not set, the name descriptor field will be used.


Must be set to attribute .

value , default , legalValues

See Section 4.6.2 (Values and Validation).


See Section (Protocol Map).

getMethod , setMethod

See Section 4.6.3 (Delegation).

persistPolicy , persistPeriod

See Section 4.6.4 (Persistence).

currencyTimeLimit , lastUpdatedTimeStamp

See Section 4.6.1 (Caching).


Defines if this attribute must be iterated over. The default is false .


See Section (Visibility).


See Section (Presentation String).

In this example the name of the attribute is State , but the displayed name will be "Apache Server State". The getMethod descriptor field defines getState() as the get method. The setMethod descriptor field defines setState() as the set method. The value 20 in the currencyTimeLimit field means that this attribute value will be cached for 20 seconds.

In the following ModelMBeanAttributeInfo instance for total accesses to the Apache server, we have added an example for the use of default and protocolMap fields:

 // TotalAccesses  Descriptor totalAccessesDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport();     totalAccessesDesc.setField("name","TotalAccesses");     totalAccessesDesc.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");     totalAccessesDesc.setField("default", "0");     totalAccessesDesc.setField("displayName",                                "Total Accesses on Server");     totalAccessesDesc.setField("getMethod","getTotalAccesses");     totalAccessesDesc.setField("setMethod","setTotalAccesses");     Descriptor TotalAccessesMap =  new  DescriptorSupport(  new  String[] {          "SNMP=",          "CIM=ManagedResource.Version"});     totalAccessesDesc.setField("protocolMap",(TotalAccessesMap)); aAttributes[1] =  new  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("TotalAccesses",     "java.lang.Integer",     "TotalAccesses: number of times the State string",  true,   false,   false,  totalAccessesDesc); 

A value of in the default field means that the default value for TotalAccesses , if it is not set, should be . The protocol map contains two hints to the protocol adapters. One is for an SNMP adapter indicating that when the MIB object ID (OID) is requested, the value in TotalAccesses should be returned. The other is for a CIM adapter indicating that this same attribute and value is equivalent to the Version attribute in the CIM class ManagedResource .

In the following example we are defining a static attribute, the maximum thread pool to be used in each JVM for an Apache server. The value field of the descriptor is set to 99 . The currencyTimeLimit descriptor field is set to “ 1 , which means that the value never becomes stale. Notice that no get or set methods have been defined:

 // MaxPool static value  Descriptor maxPoolHardValueDesc = new DescriptorSupport(); maxPoolHardValueDesc.setField("name","maxPool"); maxPoolHardValueDesc.setField("descriptorType","attribute"); maxPoolHardValueDesc.setField("value", new Integer("99")); maxPoolHardValueDesc.setField("displayName",   "maximum Thread Pool for Apache Server, a Hard Coded Value"); maxPoolHardValueDesc.setField("currencyTimeLimit","-1"); aAttributes[2] = new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("maxPoolHardValue",   "java.lang.Integer",   "maxPool: static maximum thread pool value for the Apache server",   true,   false,   false,   maxPoolHardValueDesc); 

Just for the sake of completeness, if we needed to define a static value that contained a Date object, in this case the time that the Apache server was started, the setting of the descriptor would look like this:

 // StartDate as a static value    Descriptor startDateDesc = new DescriptorSupport();   startDateDesc.setField("name","startDate");   startDateDesc.setField("descriptorType","attribute");   startDateDesc.setField("displayName","ApacheServerStartTime");   startDateDesc.setField("value", new Date());   startDateDesc.setField("currencyTimeLimit","-1"); 

And the setting of the ModelMBeanAttributeInfo object would look like this:

 // Set the attribute info    aAttributes[3] =  new  ModelMBeanAttributeInfo("startDateHardValue",      "java.util.Date",      "startDate of ApacheServerHardValue: static Date value",  true,   false,   false,  startDateDesc); 

Here is how you would get these attributes using the model MBean myMMBean :

 // Retrieving these attributes using the model MBean myMMBean:  RequiredModelMBean myMMBean =  new  RequiredModelMBean(); // Set ModelMBeanInfo and managedResource here String myState = (String) myMMBean.getAttribute("State"); String myAccesses = (String) myMMBean.getAttribute("TotalAccesses"); Integer myPool = (Integer) myMMBean.getAttribute("maxPool"); 

4.5.3 Constructor Descriptors

Every MBean must have a public constructor. It is also recommended that a default constructor ”that is, a constructor that accepts no parameters ”be provided. If you define constructors that require parameters, then you must define the constructor with an MBeanConstructorInfo instance. The ModelMBeanInfo descriptor for the constructor defines the constructor to be an operation with a method role of constructor, as opposed to operation, getter, or setter, examples of which we will see later. Constructor signatures are defined just like operation signatures (which are discussed in the next section):

 // Constructor descriptor example  ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[] aConstructors =  new  ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[1]; Class apacheServerClass =  null;   try  {   apacheServerClass = Class.forName("jnjmx.ch4.ApacheServer"); }  catch  (Exception e) {   System.out.println("Apache Server Class not found"); } Constructor[] constructors = apacheServerClass.getConstructors(); Descriptor apacheServerDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport(); apacheServerDesc.setField("name","ApacheServer"); apacheServerDesc.setField("descriptorType", "operation"); apacheServerDesc.setField("role","constructor"); aConstructors[0] =  new  ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(     "ApacheServer(): Constructs an apache server query tool",      constructors[0],      apacheServerDesc); 

In this example we see that a default constructor has been defined for the model MBean. Table 4.3 gives the details of all the descriptors standardized for ModelMBeanConstructorInfo .

4.5.4 Operation Descriptors

For operations, the method signature must be defined in ModelMBeanOperationInfo . For each operation defined, a target object must be identified on which to invoke the operations. This target object can be set for the model MBean as a whole (by the setManagedResource() method) or per operation in the targetObject descriptor field. You can even have different target objects for different operations. This flexibility allows distributed, component-based applications to be supported by the model MBean. It also supports management of applications that do not already have a management facade. Like attributes, the model MBean supports caching the last returned value of the operation. Caching can reduce the interruptions to the managed application. Table 4.4 lists the descriptors that are supported in ModelMBeanOperationInfo .

Table 4.3. ModelMBeanConstructorInfo Descriptors



name , displayName

The logical and displayable names of the model MBean constructor. The displayable name should be human readable and may be internationalized. If displayName is not set, then the name descriptor field will be used.


Must be set to "operation".


Set to "constructor", "operation", "getter", or "setter", depending on how the operation is used.


Class where method is defined (fully qualified).


See Section (Visibility).


See Section (Presentation String).

Table 4.4. ModelMBeanOperationInfo Descriptors



name , displayName

The logical and displayable names of the model MBean operation. The displayable name should be human readable and may be internationalized. If displayName is not set, then the name descriptor field will be used.


Must be set to "operation".


Set to "constructor", "operation", "getter", or "setter", depending on how the operation is used.

targetObject , targetType

See Section 4.6.3 (Delegation).

currencyTimeLimit , lastReturnedValue , lastUpdatedTimeStamp

See Section 4.6.1 (Caching).


Defines if this attribute must be iterated over. The default is false .


See Section (Visibility).


See Section (Presentation String).

The following example illustrates a simple Integer start() operation. A value of 3 in the currencyTimeLimit descriptor field specifies that the value returned from the operation will be valid in the cache for three seconds. The value of jnjmx.ch4.ApacheServer for the class field defines what the class for the target object will be. Then we can see where we are creating an apacheServerInitiator instance. This object is set as the target object for just the start operation because it must use a command line to start the Apache process. The targetObjectType descriptor field must be set to objectReference . The stop()method is still invoked on the default target object for the model MBean .

 // Operation descriptor example  ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] dOperations =  new  ModelMBeanOperationInfo[1]; MBeanParameterInfo[] params =  null;  Descriptor stopDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport(); stopDesc.setField("name","stop"); stopDesc.setField("descriptorType","operation"); stopDesc.setField("class","jnjmx.ch4.ApacheServer"); stopDesc.setField("role","operation"); dOperations[0] =  new  ModelMBeanOperationInfo("stop",      "stop(): stop the apache server",      params ,      "void",      MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION,      stopDesc); Descriptor startDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport(  new  String[] {     "name=start",     "class=jnjmx.ch4.ApacheServerInitiator",     "descriptorType=operation",     "role=operation",     "currencyTimeLimit=3"}); // Create an instance of ApacheServerInitiator just for the // start operation ApacheServerInitiator asf =  new  ApacheServerInitiator("http://www.apache.org"); startDesc.setField("targetObject",asf); startDesc.setField("targetObjectType","objectReference"); aOperations[1] =  new  ModelMBeanOperationInfo("start",         "start(): start the apache server",         params,         "java.lang.Integer",         MBeanOperationInfo.INFO,         startDesc); 

Here is how you would invoke the start operation on the model MBean myMMBean where it has no parameters:

 // invoking the operation  Integer startRC = (Integer) apacheMMBean.invoke("start", null,     null); 

4.5.5 Notification Descriptors

The model MBean notification descriptor defines a severity value, visibility value, and message ID for national language support, as well as whether the notification should be logged. A response operation may also be defined. Table 4.5 lists the descriptor keywords supported in the model MBean notification descriptor.

Table 4.5. ModelMBeanNotificationInfo Descriptors




The logical and displayable name of the notification.


Must be "notification".


The severity integer ranges from to 6 . Here are the meanings of these numbers :

0: Unknown, indeterminate

1: Nonrecoverable

2: Critical, failure

3: Major, severe

4: Minor, marginal, or error

5: Warning

6: Normal, cleared, or informative

The severity descriptor field can be used with a notificationListener notification filter or to influence logging. The assignment of severity values is very subjective and should be done by someone with an understanding of the managed resource, the notification, and how the management systems might be using severity to guide their reaction to the notification.


The ID of the notification. This value can be used to translate the message into another language. It should be unique per notification; it is not intended to be unique per message instance. This descriptor field can be used such that only the message ID is sent to the listeners and the message text is assigned by the listener. Using messageID minimizes the bytes on the wire and ensures that the appropriate language is displayed in a log or on a console. A resource file could be used to do this.


A Boolean. If true , then all of these notifications should be logged if log is set to true at the model MBean descriptor level.


The name of the file where these notifications should be logged. Note that if the log file is not defined, even if the log Boolean is set to true , nothing will be logged. If the model MBean descriptor contains a log file name for the entire MBean, then it is not necessary to define it on every notification as well. However, if you define a different log file name here, then these notifications will be logged in the new file and the rest will be in the model MBean default log file.


See Section (Visibility).


See Section (Presentation String).

Here is a notification descriptor example from the Apache model MBean:

 // Declare an "Apache Server Down" notification      ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] apacheNotifications =  new  ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[1];     Descriptor apacheDownEventDesc =  new  DescriptorSupport(  new  String[] {           "descriptorType=notification",           "name=jmx.ModelMBean.General.Apache.Down",           "severity=1",           "MessageId=Apache001",           "log=T",           "logfile=jmx.apachelog" });     apacheNotifications[0] =  new  ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(  new  String[] {"jmx.ModelMBean.General.Apache.Down" },         "jmx.ModelMBean.General",         "Apache Server is Down",         apacheDownEventDesc); 

In this case the name of the notification is jmx.ModelMBean.General.Apache.Down . The severity of the notification is set to 1 , and the message ID is "Apache001". This notification will always be logged in the file jmx.apachelog .

Here is how you would send this notification from the myMMBean model MBean:

 apacheMMBean.sendNotification("Apache Server is Down"); 

Java and JMX. Building Manageable Systems
Javaв„ў and JMX: Building Manageable Systems
ISBN: 0672324083
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 115

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