Washington University FTP daemon format string vulnerability, 6267
Web server security, 509
Web sites
Alpha Architecture Handbook, 302
Cscope, 384385
Ctags, 385
Cygwin, 124
Datarescue Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA Pro), 452
gcc (GNU Compiler Collection), 334
gdb (GNU Debugger), 335
Holodeck, 367
IDA pro disassembler, 340
Microsoft Research Detours suite, 432
Microsoft Windows Hardware and Driver Central page, 454
NASM (Netwide Assembler), 335
NetCat, 338
OllyDbg, 335
sharefuzz, 364
Shellcoder's Handbook , 3
SoftICE, 336
Splint, 386
sysinternals, 339
Tru64 Unix Assembly Language Programmer's Guide , 302
WinDbg, 335
WebDAV vulnerability (Microsoft IIS), 470472
wide characters (Unicode), 202203
WideCharToMultiByte() function, 203
bugs , 118
system calls, 125
"Win32 Buffer Overflows: Location, Exploitation and Prevention" (paper), dark spyrit, Barnaby Jack, dspyrit@beavuh.org, 341
WinDbg debugger, 118, 335
.data section overflows, 188190
dynamic heaps, 167
how it works, 168172
LIST_ENTRY structures, 168169
process heap, 167
requesting space, 168
heap overflows
calling Win32 API functions, 109
COM objects, 187188
first vectored handler at 77FC3210, 175178
logic program control data, 188
repairing the heap, 185187
RtlEnterCriticalSection in the PEB, 172174
Thread Environment Block (TEB), 184185
Unhandled Exception Filter, 178184
Holodeck fuzzer, 367
non-executable stack, 191
PEB overflows, 190
reverse shells , 337338
stack overflows, 191196
symbol packs , 108, 454
Thread Environment Block (TEB) overflows, 190
Windows 9X/ME, 120
Windows 2000
security holes, 120
SNMP DOS, 421422
Windows 2003 Server
abusing frame-based exception handlers, 157160
abusing frame-based exception handling, 155156
security holes, 121
stack protection, 161167
Windows debuggers
debug.exe , 337338
OllyDbg, 335, 504
SoftICE, 335336
Visual C++, 336
WinDbg, 335
Windows Hardware and Driver Central page (Microsoft Web site), 454
Windows inheritance, 147148
Windows NT
AT service, 111112
DCE-RPC, 112114
DCOM, 110112
DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries), 107109
exception handling, 116117, 150
heap overflows, 109
PE-COFF (portable executable) files, 107108
security holes, 120
SEH, 117
symbol packs, 108
32-bit Windows API, 106
threading, 109110
tokens, 114116
Windows Performance Monitor, 423
Windows shellcode
encoder/decoder, 123124
extendibility, 126
hardcoded addresses, 125
heapoverflow.c, 126142
kernel32.dll , 125
popping, 147148
Position Independent Code (PIC), 127
Process Environment Block (PEB), 134135
reliability, 126
searching, 142146
size considerations, 126
writing, 119
Windows tools
FileMon, 340
HandleEx, 340
IDA pro disassembler, 340
RegMon, 340
TCPView, 340
Windows XP
security holes, 120
Vectored Exception handling, 117
WinExec() function, 109
working environment
debug.exe debugger, 337338
gcc (GNU Compiler Collection), 334
gdb (GNU Debugger), 335
generic fuzzers , 337
NetCat, 338
offset finder, 336337
OllyDbg, 335
Python, 336
SoftICE, 335336
Unix, 338339
Visual C++, 336
VMWare, 504
WinDbg, 335
Windows, 339340
Code Red, 362, 484
Slammer, 125, 423, 528
wprintf function format string bug, 58
write() system call, 107
write-to- anywhere -in-memory overflow primitives, 269
Writing [a] Linux Kernel Keylogger paper, rd, 343
writing fuzzers, 382
Writing ia32 Alphanumeric Shellcodes paper, rix, 342
writing shellcode
inline assembler, 344345
Windows, 119
WSASocket() function (Windows), 120, 147
wscat() function, 203
wscpy() function, 203
ws2_32.dll , 129131
wu- ftpd 2.6.0, 6365
wuftpd2600.c exploit, 78
Wysopal, Chris, creator of NetCat, 338
w00w00 on Heap Overflows (article), Matt Conover, 341

The Shellcoder's Handbook. Discovering and Exploiting Security
Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198
Authors: Neal Krawetz

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