Part 2: Software Infrastructure for Smart DevicesAmbient Intelligence

Gilles Privat, France Tlcom R&D,

Chapter List

Chapter 6: Introduction to a Middleware Framework
Chapter 7: A Model and Software Architecture for Location-management in Smart Devices/Ambient Communication Environments
Chapter 8: A Software Infrastructure for Distributed Applications on Mobile Physical Objects
Chapter 9: Integrating a Multimedia Player in a Network of Communicating Objects
Chapter 10: Reverse Localisation

1 Introduction

Software for smart networked devices could, not long ago, have been envisioned as a special case of embedded software, and would as such have adhered to the dominant solutions previously adopted in this domain. These solutions placed a strong emphasis on the hardware and power constraints of embedded platforms, for which software used to be streamlined and carefully optimised.

Full advantage may now be taken of improved processor + memory capabilities to adopt standards-based, open solutions in lieu of vertically integrated software, dedicated to hardware. The benefits of time-proven and widely adopted approaches inherited from the general-purpose computing field far outweigh the overhead of the corresponding additional software layers , for all but the most cost-constrained devices.

When embedded devices with such high-level of processing capability become networked devices, a new domain opens up which is the ideal application field for the vast body of research performed over the years in the general fields of distributed software and distributed systems theory. Distribution is not a mere theoretical nicety added as an afterthought for obtaining performance improvements: it is inherent in the very idea of networked devices, and will be applied here on a much larger scale than anything previously done with classical distributed systems made up of coarse-grain computing nodes (e.g. servers as network hosts ).

Generic network and middleware infrastructures still have to be adapted to specific constraints of smart networked devices, even it is not in the way it was done previously: rather than hardware-constrained optimisation, what is required is optimisation for robustness of a large-scale distributed system of connected devices, in an environment where devices may appear or disappear dynamically, be disconnected abruptly, and have to "discover" each over and interoperate without previous knowledge.

Specific temporal constraints may also have to be taken into account for communication types which may be as far from bulk data transmission as from isochronous multimedia flows: hard real-time and strictly deterministic latencies may be required for the distribution of asynchronous, possibly bursty events.

2 Generic middleware

The idea of layering smart-device applications on top of generic middleware corresponds to moving up from such low-level connectivity interfaces as IP to HTTP, CORBA, RMI or IIOP. The dial-tone metaphor inherited from legacy POTS networks captures best this idea of universal connectivity interface: the dial-tone for smart devices definitely needs to correspond at least to the level to one of these generic interfaces.

The universal availability of web-based clients and corresponding connectivity has fostered the use of HTTP as the protocol of choice for a new generation of networked embedded devices. A complete HTTP stack is already offered as a standard addition by most embedded OS vendors . Actually the benefits of HTTP come from its universal availability as a least common denominator application level interface, not from its adaptation to the network-based control of smart device services. HTTP was originally conceived as a protocol for the retrieval of static documents, and it is still limited by these origins. Numerous proprietary or de facto standard extensions have been grafted onto HTTP to enable server-side interaction with scripts or programs. This interfacing with native server-side programs is essential for all smart device applications, where static document retrieval is in itself useless, HTTP acting merely as an entry point to direct interaction. This confusing plethora of kludgy and mutually incompatible solutions (CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI, ASP, JSP, to name a few) have unfortunately compromised the very simplicity and universality that made HTTP useful and successful in the first place.

It should by now be clear that higher-level, more general solutions have to be adopted to replace HTTP if smart networked devices are to take full advantage of the evolution of distributed software. For one, dissymmetric client-server solutions are by themselves less general than peer to peer solutions such as proposed in the framework of generic distributed software infrastructures. In this evolution, devices are not restricted to be software clients, or servers, for that matter: they can be both providers and requesters of software services (i.e., at this granularity, methods called from software objects) to and from one another. The relevant common-denominator abstraction is no longer a text-based document, but a full-fledged software object that can be invoked transparently throughout the network. CORBA, GIOP, IIOP, Java RMI are some of the relevant standards and corresponding software infrastructures, providing this level of object-based connectivity. They are, however, still a long way from spreading from general-purpose distributed computing, where they have not yet even reached mainstream status, to the domain of networked embedded computing.

3 Infrastructures for spontaneous networking

Beyond using such generic middleware layers, ubiquitous computing/ambient networking needs to address the higher-level problem of interoperating vast numbers of spontaneously networked, on-off , possibly mobile devices forming ad hoc, temporary federations as they get in touch with one another using whatever wireless network support is available, without any previous knowledge of the environment. For this, new generic services are needed on top of general-purpose middleware, to address the following needs specific to ambient networking environments:

  • A universal bootstrap mechanism making it possible for a new device to discover a new, unknown network environment and its general services ( specifically what kind).

  • A (centralised or distributed) directory/lookup service making it possible for devices to advertise their services and for other devices to query them.

  • A connectivity mechanism making it possible for devices to use the services of other devices once they have located them.

These three kinds of services do already exist, replicated at several lower levels, in regular network environments (e.g. ARP, DHCP or BOOTP for bootstrap, DMS or RMID for directories, sockets, RPC or RMI for connectivity). These solutions are usually too low-level and need to be federated at a higher level to work in such highly heterogeneous environments as addressed here. The directory/lookup service especially needs to address the description of extremely varied types of services/devices, with support for sophisticated queries such as, e.g. where is the physically closest network printer with colour A3 capabilities.

Efforts currently undertaken by industry leaders in various fora and consortia indicate the importance of such service discovery protocols and APIs on one hand, and service description languages on the other. A slew of solutions, that may in some cases be viewed as an uppermost middleware layer, have been proposed to handle theses specific problems of dynamic distributed network configuration. Their pivotal interfaces go all the way from least-common-denominator, text-based data, to the highest level APIs. Basically all of these technologies use IP-multicasting on a shared medium (e.g. Ethernet). Some of these solutions do take lower-level network connectivity for granted, others propose solutions to provide it if needed.

To date, the most publicised among such technologies are: Universal Plug and Play (UpnP ,, initiated by Microsoft and currently championed by the UpnP Forum), Service Location Protocol (SLP, which, as an IETF work item has been jointly developed by researchers both from academia and industry as a widely accepted and usable Internet service for service discovery; Jini (, ) , initiated and still controlled by Sun Microsystems, which provides an architecture for service discovery entirely based on Java RMI as the middleware platform, and Salutation , again a solution pioneered by an industrial forum ( Less publicised open-source alternatives such as the customisable Jonathan ORB core ( could also be streamlined and fitted as infrastructures for embedded devices.

4 The digital divide for smart devices

Moving up to such a high-level connectivity interface as Jini, or the like, does, however, raise the bar by several orders of magnitude for the minimal amount of software a device has to integrate before being able to engage in a minimal dialogue on the same level of protocol as its fellow network citizen devices. Moore law notwithstanding, it is not obvious that the finest granularity smart devices, those with strict per-unit-cost constraints, will ever reach this threshold.

The model that can be envisioned for the time being is that of a two- tier network, in which first-class network citizens are able to talk to one another at the higher level of protocols, enabling transparent, dynamic configuration and all benefits that come with this more abstract level of discourse . Second-class devices will not be seen directly from the network at large. They will have to be represented by a proxy, which could be viewed as a software agent residing somewhere on a network server, or on another (first-class) device. The lowly device will be allowed to talk with its proxy device using some closed proprietary protocol, provided this low-level communication is entirely hidden behind the proxy for other devices attached to the network at large.

Communicating With Smart Objects(c) Developing Technology for Usable[... ]stems 2003
Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 191 © 2008-2017.
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