Gene Expression Markup Language, 304
general entities, 70-73
global complex type definitions (XML Schemas), 119-120
global elements (XML Schemas), 118
global types (XML Schemas), 115
global variables, declaring, 218
Global XML—XML Integration Workbench, 295
Grid view, 26
editing, 31-33
inserting, 31-33
moving, 33-34
renaming, 34
switching with elements, 34
deleting, 31-33
inserting, 31-33
moving, 33-34
renaming, 34
switching with attributes, 34
Excel and, 35-36
rendering XML documents, 27-31
XML documents, sorting, 35
groups, XML Schemas, 140, 144-148
all groups, 149-150
attribute groups, 150-151
choice groups, 148-149
substitution groups, 158-160