Working with Printing View Options


The Page Setup dialog lets you define several different options about how the fields within a view will appear. These include options for showing all view fields in the printed page, printing a specified number of fields on every printed page, printing task or resource notes in the report, printing blank pages for multipage Gantt charts , and how the timescale should be adjusted to fit on the printed page. The tasks in this section cover these options. You should experiment with these options in a test project to make sure you understand them and the effect they have on the number of pages that are printed.

Printing All Fields

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the File, Page Setup menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select the View tab.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Check the Print All Sheet Columns check box.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Click Print Preview to examine the results of this action.


For Your Information

Beware of the Print All Sheet Columns Option

Printing all fields will likely cause your printed view to take up many more pages than before. It will generally cause the printed view to become wider than when only a small number of fields are visible. Make sure that this is acceptable before printing your view.

Specifying Fields to Appear on All Pages

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the File, Page Setup menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select the View tab.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Check the Print First X Columns On All Pages check box.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Fill in the number of fields that should be displayed on every page.


For Your Information

Printing Columns On All Pages

When printing large spans of time, your printed view becomes several pages wide. This can make the pages farthest to the right difficult to read because you can no longer see the table. Project allows you to set the specific number of fields printed on each page. The visible columns are all printed on the leftmost pages, but all the pages to the right will have the number of columns defined in the Print First X Columns On All Pages setting.

Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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