Talking Heads: ichat av tips

Talking Heads: ichat av tips

If you're not chatting, you need to be, because there should not be a single second of any waking moment that you're not communicating with somebody about something using an electronic gismo of some sort. As far as electronic gismos go, iChat is among the coolest. So much so, that I have an entire chapter of cool tips for using it. In fact, I use iChat every day, and wind up talking to people I would never normally wind up talking to. But since they can see I'm online and available, I can't just ignore them, so I wind up wasting valuable time talking about how hot is it in Florida, and what I think about the whole Apple/Intel thing. Sometimes it trashes my productivity for the entire day, but I keep reminding myself that chatting, video conferencing, and text messaging are necessary tools. Without them, I would be required to (gasp!) pick up the telephone. Unthinkable!

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
The Photoshop Channels Book
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 568
Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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