Back in the old days, there just weren't that many tools in Photoshop, and if you wanted to rotate through the various tools (say the Pen tool for instance), you'd just press the letter "p" over and over again until the Pen tool you wanted made its way to the Toolbox. Ah, those were simpler times. But as Photoshop 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 and now CS came about, so did more tools, and now by default you also have to press Shift to rotate through the tools. Or do you? Hmmmm. Actually, you can request (politely) that Photoshop let you revert to the ways of old, allowing you to press just one key to rotate through the tools. You do this in Mac OS X by going under the Photoshop menu, under Preferences, and choosing General (in Windows, Preferences can be found under the Edit menu). In that dialog, uncheck the box for "Use Shift Key for Tool Switch." It's like stepping back in time.

    Photoshop CS Killer Tips
    The Digital Photography Book
    ISBN: 735713561
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 429
    Authors: Scott Kelby

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