LAN Manager (LM), 14, 110, 112
disabled, 14
hash, 110
LAND attacks, 58
Launching applications and unsafe files (setting), 273, 280
Launching programs and files in an IFRAME (setting), 273, 280
least privilege, 128, 179, 525, 526, 528, 530, 531. See also information security; User Account Control
LeBlanc, David, 4, 449
leinstal.exe, 252
leuser.exe, 252
Link-Layer Topology Discovery, 35
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder, 35
LM. See LAN Manager
LMCompatibilityLevel setting, 534
Local Computer Policy, 486
Local Computer security zone, 260-261. See also security zone settings
Local intranet security zone, 262-263. See also security zone settings
Local Security Policy (GPEdit.msc), 88, 486
application order, 88
Local Service account, 92, 205
Local System account, 92, 205
logon architecture
improvements, 14-17
process, 16
session isolation, 16-17
logon authentication, 108-114
logon credential guessing/cracking, 44-51
logon scripts, 516
UAC and failure of, 516
LogonUI, 15, 16
logs, 29
Longhorn server, 514
future improvements, 40
Loose XAML (setting), 264, 277
LophtCrack, 57, 112
low integrity folders, 250-251
Lynx, 246