Chapter 12. Advanced Settings

[ LiB ]

Chapter 12. Advanced Settings

Hopefully, you're becoming very comfortable navigating through Avid Xpress Pro. For the majority of the work you've done so far, the default keys, windows , and buttons have been fine. However, another one of Avid Xpress Pro's greatest features is its customizability . You can customize nearly every aspect of how you work and interact with the software. This chapter discusses the more popular software settings that you can adjust to make editing your next movie or commercial a breeze . Basically, all settings are defined as a user setting, a site setting, or a project setting. Site settings are any settings that are linked or connected to the particular computer or system you're working on. Anytime you start a new project or a new user is logged in, these settings are automatically attached to Avid Xpress Pro software.

User settings are any settings that are changed or adjusted depending on who logs in to edit. If you're the only person who is going to work on the system, you'll always use your own settings. If a system is shared with other editors, it is imperative that each editor logs in with their own settings. The entire keyboard and Avid Xpress Pro interface is determined by user settings. If you log on using someone else's settings, the spacebar on the keyboard might be the Overwrite Edit function, not the All Stop key, which is the default setting.

The last setting type includes the project settings. As you might have guessed, this setting is linked on a per-project basis. If you do not adjust any project settings, they'll simply start as default settings every time you start a new project. Because project settings are linked to a project, they will not change even when a different editor is working on the project.

[ LiB ]

Avid Xpress Pro Power.
Avid Xpress Pro Power!
ISBN: 1592001513
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 165
Authors: Steve Julin © 2008-2017.
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