
AxHost marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) abstract class

This Control class wraps ActiveX controls that have been imported into the managed environment (either by use of the Aximp.exe tool or, more commonly, by adding them to the designer by customizing the toolbox). It extends the base services to provide methods to get the underlying OCX control ( GetOcx() ) and show property pages ( ShowPropertyPages() ), if they are present ( HasPropertyPages() ).

Note that several of the events you would normally expect from a Control are not supported (e.g., color and font property changes), and attempting to bind to them will cause a NotSupportedException . The Liskov substitution principle states that you should be able to use any instance of a derived class in place of an instance of the base class. Throwing that exception means that this class violates that principle. Therefore, you have to take care if you are using Control objects polymorphically in your application (e.g., in your own custom host), in case someone drops an ActiveX control into the equation.

 public abstract class  AxHost  : Control :  System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize, System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor {  // Protected Constructors  protected  AxHost  (string  clsid  );    protected  AxHost  (string  clsid  , int  flags  );  // Public Instance Properties  public override Color  BackColor  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Image  BackgroundImage  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public ContainerControl  ContainingControl  {set; get; }    public override ContextMenu  ContextMenu  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Cursor  Cursor  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public bool  EditMode  {get; }    public virtual bool  Enabled  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Font  Font  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Color  ForeColor  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public bool  HasAboutBox  {get; }    public State  OcxState  {set; get; }    public virtual bool  RightToLeft  {set; get; }    public override ISite  Site  {set; }  // overrides Control  public override string  Text  {set; get; }  // overrides Control   // Protected Instance Properties  protected override CreateParams  CreateParams  {get; }  // overrides Control  protected override Size  DefaultSize  {get; }  // overrides Control   // Protected Static Methods  protected static Color  GetColorFromOleColor  (uint  color  );    protected static Font  GetFontFromIFont  (object  font  );    protected static Font  GetFontFromIFontDisp  (object  font  );    protected static object  GetIFontDispFromFont  (System.Drawing.Font  font  );    protected static object  GetIFontFromFont  (System.Drawing.Font  font  );    protected static object  GetIPictureDispFromPicture  (System.Drawing.Image  image  );    protected static object  GetIPictureFromCursor  (Cursor  cursor  );    protected static object  GetIPictureFromPicture  (System.Drawing.Image  image  );    protected static double  GetOADateFromTime  (DateTime  time  );    protected static uint  GetOleColorFromColor  (System.Drawing.Color  color  );    protected static Image  GetPictureFromIPicture  (object  picture  );    protected static Image  GetPictureFromIPictureDisp  (object  picture  );    protected static DateTime  GetTimeFromOADate  (double  date  );  // Public Instance Methods  public void  BeginInit  ();  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize  public void  DoVerb  (int  verb  );    public void  EndInit  ();  // implements System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize  public object  GetOcx  ();    public bool  HasPropertyPages  ();    public void  InvokeEditMode  ();    public void  MakeDirty  ();    public override bool  PreProcessMessage  (ref Message  msg  );  // overrides Control  public void  ShowAboutBox  ();    public void  ShowPropertyPages  ();    public void  ShowPropertyPages  (Control  control  );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected virtual void  AttachInterfaces  ();    protected override void  CreateHandle  ();  // overrides Control  protected virtual void  CreateSink  ();    protected override void  DestroyHandle  ();  // overrides Control  protected virtual void  DetachSink  ();    protected override void  Dispose  (bool  disposing  );  // overrides Control  protected override bool  IsInputChar  (char  charCode  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnBackColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnFontChanged  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnForeColorChanged  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnHandleCreated  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected virtual void  OnInPlaceActive  ();    protected override void  OnLostFocus  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override bool  ProcessMnemonic  (char  charCode  );  // overrides Control  protected bool  PropsValid  ();    protected void  RaiseOnMouseDown  (short  button  , short  shift  , int  x  , int  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseDown  (short  button  , short  shift  , float  x  , float  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseDown  (object  o1  , object  o2  , object  o3  , object  o4  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseMove  (short  button  , short  shift  , int  x  , int  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseMove  (short  button  , short  shift  , float  x  , float  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseMove  (object  o1  , object  o2  , object  o3  , object  o4  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseUp  (short  button  , short  shift  , int  x  , int  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseUp  (short  button  , short  shift  , float  x  , float  y  );    protected void  RaiseOnMouseUp  (object  o1  , object  o2  , object  o3  , object  o4  );    protected void  SetAboutBoxDelegate  (AboutBoxDelegate  d  );    protected override void  SetBoundsCore  (int  x  , int  y  , int  width  , int  height  , BoundsSpecified  specified  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  SetVisibleCore  (bool  value  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  WndProc  (ref Message  m  );  // overrides Control   // Events  public event EventHandler  BackColorChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  BackgroundImageChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  BindingContextChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event UICuesEventHandler  ChangeUICues  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  Click  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  ContextMenuChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  CursorChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  DoubleClick  ;  // overrides Control  public event DragEventHandler  DragDrop  ;  // overrides Control  public event DragEventHandler  DragEnter  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  DragLeave  ;  // overrides Control  public event DragEventHandler  DragOver  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  EnabledChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  FontChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  ForeColorChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event GiveFeedbackEventHandler  GiveFeedback  ;  // overrides Control  public event HelpEventHandler  HelpRequested  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  ImeModeChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyDown  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyPressEventHandler  KeyPress  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyUp  ;  // overrides Control  public event LayoutEventHandler  Layout  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseDown  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  MouseEnter  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  MouseHover  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  MouseLeave  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseMove  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseUp  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseWheel  ;  // overrides Control  public event PaintEventHandler  Paint  ;  // overrides Control  public event QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler  QueryAccessibilityHelp  ;  // overrides Control  public event QueryContinueDragEventHandler  QueryContinueDrag  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  RightToLeftChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  StyleChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  TabIndexChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  TabStopChanged  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  TextChanged  ;  // overrides Control  } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) Control(IOleContro, IOleObject , IOleInPlaceObject , IOleInPlaceActiveObject , IOleWindow , IViewObject , IViewObject2 , IPersist , IPersistStreamInit , IPersistPropertyBag , IPersistStorage , IQuickActivate , System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke , IWin32Window) AxHost(System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializ, System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor)

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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