Opening a Web Page

After saving a presentation as a Web page, you can open the Web page, an HTML file, in PowerPoint. This allows you to quickly and easily switch from HTML to the standard PowerPoint format and back again without losing any formatting or functionality. For example, if you create a formatted chart in a PowerPoint presentation, save the presentation file as a Web page, and then reopen the Web page in PowerPoint, the chart will look the same as the original chart in PowerPoint. PowerPoint preserves the original formatting and functionality of the presentation.

Open a Presentation as a Web Page in PowerPoint


Click the Open button on the Standard toolbar.


Click the Files Of Type list arrow, and then click All Web Pages.


Click one of the icons on the Places bar for quick access to often-used folders.


If the file is located in another folder, click the Look In list arrow, and select the folder where the file is located.


Click the name of the presentation file.

graphics/six_icon.jpg Click Open.

To open the Web page in your browser, click the Open button list arrow, and then click Open In Browser.


Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (Show Me Series)
ISBN: 078973009X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 271 © 2008-2017.
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