Creating Groups and Outlines


A sales report that displays daily, weekly, and monthly totals in a hierarchical format, such as an outline, helps your reader to sift through and interpret the pertinent information. In outline format, a single item can have several topics or levels of information within it. An outline in Excel indicates multiple layers of content by displaying a plus sign (+) on its left side. A minus sign (-) indicates that the item has no contents, is fully expanded, or both.

Create an Outline or Group


Organize data in a hierarchical fashion ”place summary rows below detail rows and summary columns to the right of detail columns .


Select the data that you want to outline.


To create an outline, click the Data menu, point to Group And Outline, and then click Auto Outline.


To create a group, click the Data menu, point to Group And Outline, and then click Group. Click the Rows or Columns option, and then click OK.


Work an Outline or Group


Click a plus sign (+) to expand an outline level; click a minus sign (-) to collapse an outline level.


Did You Know?

You can ungroup outline data . Select the data group, click the Data menu, point to Group And Outline, click Ungroup, click the Rows or Columns option, and then click OK.

You can clear an outline . Select the outline, click the Data menu, point to Group And Outline, and then click Clear Outline.

Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789730057
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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