AAC.Acer.com. See Acer America website
AA.com. See American Airlines website
absolute font sizes, avoiding, 253
absolute point sizes, avoiding, 254
Acer America website, tabs on, 275
Acer Corporation website
conflicting content, 29 “30, 31
home page identity problem, 14, 16
improvements to avoid the organizational chart blooper, 89
separate page for Benq, 84, 85
tabs compared to Acer America, 275
ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction website. See Association for Computing Machinery's websites
ACM SIGCHI website. See Association for Computing Machinery's websites
ACM.org. See Association for Computing Machinery's websites
ACSCSN.org. See American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivor Network site
Active Buttons Look Inactive blooper, 268 “272
Advanced Search page, confining search options to, 170
ambiguous wrapped links, 234
data fields designated as required for no good reason, 56
menus with no initial value and vague labels, 133
radio buttons with no default, 130
Agonizing Task Flow blooper, 73 “78
airline websites
booking for cities and towns with no commercial air service, 68 “70
difficulty remembering preferred travel time, 46 “47
giving Ann Arbor as the destination, 68 “70
travel-time menus from, 64 “65
Albany.co.uk, using line spacing to reduce multiline link ambiguity, 235
of form labels, 143 “145, 146
of table cells , 260
alphabetical matches, supplying for closest locations, 70 “71
already-followed links, marking, 241
already-provided information, ignoring, 44 “46
AltaVista, good results for a full Web search, 173
alternative current page indicators, 109, 111
disorienting non-navigation bar self-links, 114
distinguishing unfollowed and followed links, 244
graphical links not obvious, 224
obvious textual links, 225
referring to users as customers, 208
simple search controls, 164
total number of hits displayed by, 192
useful search results, 173
well-positioned right aligned labels, 146
ambiguity of multiline links, 234 “236
American Airlines website
avoiding calling users "users", 208, 209
requesting all New York City airports twice, 59
responses to Ann Arbor as the destination, 69
travel-time menus from, 64, 65
American Association of Retired People website, resizable text, 251
American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivor Network website
allowing users to opt in, 138
multiple logins avoided by, 52
American Express travel-booking website, search questions placed too far from Search buttons, 142
AmericanExpress.com, inconsistent capitalization, 216
AND, finding items matching all of the Search criteria, 188
Anderson.com, unchanging link colors, 241
Angelfire.com, white text over a rough brown background, 256
animation, drawing attention to error messages, 265
Apple Computer's HyperCard, tabbed pages in, 273
arbitrary categories in a website classification, 20 “21, 22
Archive category, removing old items to, 26
area code, requiring a complete phone number in addition to, 55
artistic websites, more latitude with background contrast allowed for, 257
Askjeeves.com, best tabs on the Web, 276, 277
Association for Computing Machinery's websites
choosing between "keyword" and "text search", 161
displaying an internal Web-server message, 201 “202
displaying image links with the default blue border, 226
long and confusing error message, 196
mysterious search fields, 163
style inconsistencies, 215
with two page titles on each page, 110, 111
AT&T as an invalid company name , 125
Audi.com home page, "Method Not Allowed" message, 202
audience, intended for this book, 5
automatic form fill-in, 54
automatically generated pages, usability disadvantages of, 132
AYA.Yale.edu. See Yale Alumni website