AppendixB.Script To Revoke SQL Server PUBLIC Permissions

Appendix B. Script To Revoke SQL Server PUBLIC Permissions

The following script will evaluate your database and create a script that revokes permissions to the PUBLIC role in SQL Server 2000. The only required permission for PUBLIC is SELECT on spt_values.

To use this script run it and it will generate a new script. That is the script that actually revokes the permissions. Take that script and paste it back into the query window and execute. Note that it is expected that some system functions cannot be removed from PUBLIC. You may see warnings such as "Invalid object name 'system_function_schema.fn_updateparameterwithargument.'" This is normal.

WARNING: Do not run this script on any other versions of SQL Server than SQL Server 2000 and MSDE 2000. It has never been tested on any other versions.

This script was first published with Microsoft's successful entry in OpenHack IV in 2002.

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SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @database varchar(128) , @cmd varchar(2000) , @message varchar(4000) , @rolename varchar(200) select @rolename = 'public' create table #cmd ( db varchar(50), cmd varchar(2000), type char(2), uid smallint, owner varchar(200) ) DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @database WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Get the list of objects in this database with permissions to public select @message = 'insert into #cmd select ''' + @database + ''',, o.type, o.uid , Null from ' + @database + '.dbo.syspermissions p join ' + @database + '.dbo.sysobjects o on = where p.grantee = (select uid from sysusers where name = ''public'')' exec (@message) -- Update the owners for this database select @message = 'update #cmd set owner = from #cmd c join ' + @database + '. .sysusers u on u.uid = c.uid where c.db = ''' + @database + '''' exec (@message) FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @database END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor GO ----------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @database varchar(128) , @cmd varchar(2000) , @message varchar(4000) , @lastDb varchar(128) , @owner varchar(200) select @lastDb = '' DECLARE obj_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT db, cmd, owner from #cmd order by db, cmd OPEN obj_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM obj_cursor INTO @database, @cmd, @owner IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 PRINT '-- There are no permissions for PUBLIC' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN if (@lastdb <> @database) BEGIN if (@lastdb <> '') Print 'GO' print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '-- ' + @database + ': Clear PUBLIC permissions on database.' print 'USE ' + @database print 'GO' set @lastdb = @database END set @owner = '['+@owner+'].' if NOT @cmd is NULL BEGIN SELECT @message = 'REVOKE ALL ON '+ ISNULL(@owner,'') + '[' + @cmd + '] to public' PRINT @message END --EXEC @message FETCH NEXT FROM obj_cursor INTO @database, @cmd, @owner END CLOSE obj_cursor DEALLOCATE obj_cursor GO drop table #cmd go print 'GO' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '-- These permissions are required in MASTER!' print 'use master' print 'GO' print 'GRANT SELECT on spt_values to public' print 'GRANT EXEC on sp_MSHasDBAccess to public' print 'GO'

Protect Your Windows Network From Perimeter to Data
Protect Your Windows Network: From Perimeter to Data
ISBN: 0321336437
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 219 © 2008-2017.
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