

 unzip [-v] unzip -Z [-v] [-M] [-s  -m  -l  -1] [-T]   archive_filename   [   pathname   ...]  [-x   pathname   ...] unzip -Z [-v] [-M] [-2] [-h] [-t] [-z]   archive_filename   [   pathname   ...]  [-x   pathname   ...] unzip [-q[q]  -v] [-M] [-l  -t  -z  -p  -c [-a[a]]] [-b] [-C]   archive_filename   [   pathname   ...] [-x   pathname   ...] unzip [-q[q]  -v] [-M] [-f  -u] [-a[a]  -b] [-C] [-L] [-j] [-V] [-X]  [-n  -o] [-d   directory   ]   archive_filename   [   pathname   ...] [-x   pathname   ...] 


Lists or extracts files from a ZIP archive (such as one created by the zip command). If the name of the archive file ends in .zip , that extension need not be specified in archive_filename . If pathname arguments are given, only archive items matching those arguments are processed ; otherwise , unzip lists or extracts all items in the archive. When called with no arguments, it prints a usage statement to standard output.



Converts text files in the archive to native format. For instance, this option translates DOS linefeeds to Unix linefeeds on Mac OS X. When doubled ( -aa ), it attempts to convert all files, whether text or binary.


Treats all files as binary, so that no text conversions are attempted.


Extracts file data to standard output.


Uses case-insensitive matching of pathname arguments to archive items.


Extracts files into the given directory. Otherwise, files are extracted into the current working directory.


Extracts files only if they already exist, and if the modification timestamps in the archive are more recent than those on disk.


Discards the paths of archived files, so that all files are extracted into the same directory.


Lists archive contents, along with sizes, modification timestamps, and comments. More information is printed if - v is also used.


Converts filenames to lowercase if they were archived from a single-case filesystem (such as FAT). When doubled ( -LL ), all filenames are converted to lowercase.


Displays output a page at a time.


Never overwrites existing files when extracting. By default, unzip prompts the user if an existing file would be overwritten.


Overwrites existing files when extracting, without prompting.


As - c , except that text conversions are not allowed.


Minimizes output. When doubled ( -qq ), produces even less output.


Performs a CRC check on archive items to determine if they have changed since being archived.


As - f , but also extracts files that don't already exist on the disk.


Enables verbose output. If it's the only argument, prints version information, compile settings, and environment variable settings to standard output.


For items archived on a VMS system, this argument retains file version numbers in filenames.


Excludes the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.


Restores owner and group information for extracted files. Successful use of this flag will most likely require superuser privileges.


Prints comments stored in the archive file to standard output.


Provides more control over information displayed to standard output about archive contents. When invoked as the only argument, prints usage information for the following options to standard output.


Prints archive name, size, and number of archived items.


As - s , but compressed size is also displayed.


As - s , but compression ratio is also displayed.


Displays output a page at a time.


Prints information about each item in the archive: permissions, version of zip used to create the archive, uncompressed size, file type, compression method, modification timestamp, and name. This is the default behavior if no other options are specified.


Prints number of archived items, cumulative compressed and uncompressed sizes, and compression ratio.


Prints timestamps in a sortable format, rather than the default human-readable format.


Enables verbose output.


Excludes the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.


Prints comments stored in the archive file.


Prints only filenames of archived items.


As - 1 , but - h , -t , and - z flags may be used to print additional information.



Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
ISBN: 0596006071
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 212

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