Written Lab

Write the answers to the following questions:


What command shows you whether a port is in forwarding mode?

 show spantree . this command displays the spanning tree information of a vlan and all the ports participation in stp.


What command would you use to disable spanning tree for VLAN 5 on a set-based switch?

 set spantree disable 5 . the set spantree command is used to enable or disable spanning tree for a vlan.


What command(s) enables spanning tree for VLAN 6 on an IOS-based switch?

 terry_2950(config)#spanning-tree vlan 6 . this command is used to turn on spanning tree for a vlan. you can disable stp for an interface with the interface command spanning-tree vlan vlan_number command.


What is a switch's priority by default?

32768. this is the default priority on all switches and bridges.


What is used to determine a bridge ID?

bridge priority and then mac address. if the priorities of the switches are set the same, the mac address would be used to determine the root bridge.


What is the default hello time of a BPDU?

2 seconds. every 2 seconds, bpdus are sent out all forwarding ports.


What is the amount of time it takes for a switch port to go from blocking state to forwarding state?

50 seconds. from blocking to listening is 20 seconds, from listening to learning is 15 seconds, and from learning to forwarding is another 15 seconds.


What are the four states of a bridge port?

blocking, listening, learning, forwarding. each state is used to stop network loops from occurring on redundant links.


What are the two parameters used to determine which port forwards data and which ports block on a switch with redundant links?

the path cost and port id are used to determine the designated port and nondesignated ports.


True/False: A bridge must forward all broadcasts out all ports except for the port that initially received the broadcast.

true. bridges forward all frames that are received and are broadcasts or are not in the filter table.



show spantree. This command displays the spanning tree information of a VLAN and all the ports' participation in STP.


set spantree disable 5. The set spantree command is used to enable or disable spanning tree for a VLAN.


Terry_2950(config)#spanning-tree vlan 6. This command is used to turn on spanning tree for a VLAN. You can disable STP for an interface with the interface command spanning-tree vlan vlan_number command.


32768. This is the default priority on all switches and bridges.


Bridge priority and then MAC address. If the priorities of the switches are set the same, the MAC address would be used to determine the root bridge.


2 seconds. Every 2 seconds, BPDUs are sent out all forwarding ports.


50 seconds. From blocking to listening is 20 seconds, from listening to learning is 15 seconds, and from learning to forwarding is another 15 seconds.


Blocking, listening, learning, forwarding. Each state is used to stop network loops from occurring on redundant links.


The path cost and port ID are used to determine the designated port and nondesignated ports.


True. Bridges forward all frames that are received and are broadcasts or are not in the filter table.

CCNP. Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks Study Guide (642-811)
CCNP: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks Study Guide (642-811)
ISBN: 078214294X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 174
Authors: Terry Jack

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