R reference points, 509
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service), 509
RAM (random access memory), 509
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), 193-194
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), 509
rate queues, 509
RCP (Remote Copy Protocol), 509
reachability information in layer 3 devices, 28
read-only memory (ROM), 510
real command, 381
real time switch type, 149
Reconciliation Sublayer (RS), 50
redistribution, 509
redundancy in switched networks, 374-375
defined, 509
GLBP for, 382-385
HSRP for, 375-382, 375-376
transparent Ethernet for, 385
VRRP for, 382
redundant links, 179
BackboneFast in, 192-193
EtherChannel configuration for, 181-186
load balancing in, 186-187
parallel Fast EtherChannel links, 180-186
Port Aggregation Protocol for, 186
PortFast in, 187-189
Rapid Spanning Tree in, 193-194
redundancy in, 187
UplinkFast in, 189-192
reference points, 509
reliability, 509
reloads, 509
remote access, 509
Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS), 509
remote services
in campus model, 10
defined, 510
removing MLS cache entries, 263
rendezvous points. See RPs (rendezvous points)
Request to Send (RTS) signal, 512
Requests for Comments (RFCs)
defined, 510
multicast address listing for, 454-455
reserved multicast addresses, 288-289
reset command, 459
Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (RSVP), 359
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), 509
Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF)
in DVMRP, 308
for multicast delivery management, 306-307
in PIM DM, 311
in PIM SM, 321
reverse Telnet, 510
review questions
campus networks, 36-39, 42-43
inter-VLAN routing, 224-227, 239-240
layer 2 switching, 155-158, 160
MLS, 273-276, 280-281
multicast, 336-339, 346-347
QoS, 390-393, 399-400
STP, 197-200, 204-205
switch blocks, 76-79, 84-85
switching technologies, 426-429, 431
VLANs, 124-127, 132-133
revision numbers
with VLANs, 108
in VTP, 111-112, 112
RFCs (Requests for Comments)
defined, 510
multicast address listing for, 454-455
RIF (Routing Information Field), 510
ring topology, 510
defined, 510
in memory, 408
RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
block support in, 26
defined, 510
RIP version 2, 510
RJ connectors, 510
robbed bit signaling, 510
ROM (read-only memory), 510
root bridges
in best path selection, 144-145
configuring, 167-170
defined, 510
determining, 166
in spanning tree operation, 142-143, 147
timers on, 147
Root Link Query BPDUs, 192
root parameter, 168
root ports, 144-145
root timers, 152
round robin mechanism, 511
route poisoning, 511
Route Processors (RPs), 511
route summarization, 511
Route Switch Feature Card (RSFC)
defined, 512
for internal route processors, 211
Route Switch Modules (RSMs)
defined, 512
for internal route processors, 211-212
Route/Switch Processor (RSP), 512
routed protocols, 511
router on a stick, 211, 242-243, 243, 263, 263, 511
for broadcasts, 5
defined, 511
in layer 3 switching, 14
routing, 14
defined, 511
multicast. See multicast routing
between VLANs. See inter-VLAN routing
routing domains, 511
Routing Information Field (RIF), 510
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
block support in, 26
defined, 510
routing metrics, 511
routing protocols
and core size, 25-26
defined, 511
for multicast delivery, 308
CBTs, 313-314, 313-314
DVMRP, 308, 309
inter-area and inter-AS MOSPF, 310
intra-area MOSPF, 309-310
MOSPF, 309
MSDP, 316
PIM DM, 311-313, 312-313
PIM SM, 315-316, 315
SSM, 316-317
routing tables
defined, 511
viewing, 217
RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding)
in DVMRP, 308
for multicast delivery management, 306-307
in PIM DM, 311
in PIM SM, 321
RPs (rendezvous points)
defined, 511
in end-to-end multicast, 317
group assignments for, 325
Mapping Agent for, 325-326
for multicast routing, 323-326
in shared trees, 305, 305-306
RPs (Route Processors), 511
RS (Reconciliation Sublayer), 50
RSFC (Route Switch Feature Card)
defined, 512
for internal route processors, 211
RSMs (Route Switch Modules)
defined, 512
for internal route processors, 211-212
RSP (Route/Switch Processor), 512
RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), 193-194
RSVP (Resource Reservation Setup Protocol), 359
RTP (Real Time Protocol), 356
RTS (Request to Send) signal, 512