S reference points, 512
SAFE method, 29-31, 29-31
sampling rates, 512
SAP (Service Access Point), 512
SAP (Service Advertising Protocol), 512
saving switch configuration, 70-72
scalability in VLANs, 90
scalable size and throughput in campus networks, 9
layer 2 backbones, 27-28, 27
layer 3 backbones, 28
Spanning Tree Protocol, 165-166
port cost setting in, 171-173
port priority setting in, 173-177, 175
root configuration in, 167-170
root determination in, 166
switch block, 92STP timer changes in, 177-179
static VLAN configuration for, 94-99
VLAN boundaries in, 93
VLAN memberships in, 94
SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate), 512
scripts, 512
SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy), 512
SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control), 512
secondary parameter, 168
Secure Blueprint for Enterprise Networks, 29
in routing, 14
SAFE for, 29-31, 29-31
in VLANs, 90
in VTP, 108
security policies, 512
security servers, 513
segmentation, 48
Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX), 516
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), 514
Serial Tunnel (STUN), 517
serialization delays
in best efforts networks, 357
defined, 513
server blocks, 22
server farms, 13
Server Load Balancing (SLB), 381
configuring, 381-382
defined, 513
stateful backup in, 382
server mode in VTP, 109, 109
Server Module
Gigabit Ethernet in, 53
in SAFE, 30, 31
defined, 513
in VTP, 107
Service Access Point (SAP), 512
Service Advertising Protocol (SAP), 512
Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs), 515
session command, 215
Session layer, 12, 513
set-based commands. See IOS- and set-based commands
set-based devices, 513
set-based operating systems, 55
set cgmp enable command, 330
set cgmp leave enable command, 331
set commands, 56
set enablepass command, 59
set igmp enable command, 331
set igmp fastleave command, 331
set interface scO command, 62
set interface sl0 command, 63
set ip route command, 218
set mls agingtime command, 260
set mls agingtime fast command, 261
set mls enable command, 259
set mls flow command, 259
set mls include command, 259
set password command, 59
set port channel command, 181, 216
set port disable command, 65
set port duplex command, 68
set port enable command, 65
set port name command, 66
set port speed command, 68
set prompt command, 183
set qos enable command, 369
set qos info config command, 369
set qos map command, 369
set spantree command, 150, 167
set spantree backbonefast command, 193
set spantree backbonefast enable command, 193
set spantree disable command, 150
set spantree enable command, 150
set spantree fwddelay command, 177
set spantree hello command, 177-178
set spantree maxage command, 178
set spantree portcost command, 171
set spantree portfast command, 188
set spantree portpri command, 173
set spantree portvlanpri command, 174-175
set spantree priority command, 169
set spantree root command, 167-168
set spantree root secondary command, 167
set spantree uplinkfast command, 190-192
set spantree uplinkfast enable command, 190
set trunk command, 103-104, 183, 216
set vlan name command, 94-96
set vtp domain command, 114-115
set vtp pruneeligible command, 118
set vtp v2 enable command, 113
setup mode, 513
setup process, 57
SFs (super frames), 513
shared memory
defined, 513
for non-blocking switches, 404
shared memory switching fabrics, 405, 405
shared trees
defined, 513
for multicast traffic routing, 304-305, 305-306
shielded twisted-pair (STP), 517
short option, 262
Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm, 515
shortest path tree (SPT), 304
show command, 64-65
show buffers command, 409
show cam command, 419
show cgmp statistics command, 330
show etherchannel command, 184
show flash command, 72, 414-415
show igmp statistics command, 331
show interface command, 65-67
show interface gigabit command, 212
show interface port-channel command, 212
show interface switchport command, 106
show interface vlan command, 217
show ip cef command, 269
show ip interface command, 269
show ip mroute command, 319
show ip route command, 217-218
show mac-address-table command, 414, 460
show mls command, 246-247
show mls entry command, 259, 262
show mls include command, 259
show mls ip command, 261
show mls rp command, 256
show mls rp interface command, 256-257
show mls rp vtp-domain command, 256
show module command, 215
show multicast group cgmp command, 331
show port command, 64-65, 68
show port block command, 461
show port capabilities command, 181
show port channel command, 181, 183, 186
show port group command, 461
show port monitor command, 461
show port security command, 461
show processes command, 423
show running-config command, 67, 71, 214, 217, 219, 253, 330, 384
show spanning-tree command, 150-151, 170, 172-173, 176
show spanning-tree uplinkfast command, 191
show spantree command, 151-152, 169
show spantree 1/1 command, 174-175
show spantree 1/2 command, 175
show spantree backbonefast command, 193
show spantree uplinkfast command, 190
show standby command, 378
show startup-config command, 71
show tcam command, 416-417
show trunk command, 106, 118
show version command
for 2950 switches, 413
for 3550 switches, 416
for 4000 switches, 418
show vlan command, 95-97, 99
show vtp counters command, 116-117
show vtp domain command, 116, 253
show vtp statistics command, 115-116
SI (standard image) IOS, 411, 517
Signal Quality Error (SQE), 516
signaling packets, 513
silicon switching, 513
Silicon Switching Engine (SSE), 516
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 514
simplex mode, 513
single trunk links in inter-VLAN routing, 211, 211
core blocks, 25-26
and root bridge timers, 147
switch blocks, 23
SLB (Server Load Balancing), 381
configuring, 381-382
defined, 513
stateful backup in, 382
sliding windows, 514
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 514
slots and modules, 215
small office, home office (SOHO), 514
SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service), 514
SMI (Standard Multilayer Software Image), 21
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 514
SNA (System Network Architecture), 514
SNAP (Subnetwork Access Protocol), 514
snapshot routing, 514
sockets, 514
SOHO (small office, home office), 514
SONET (Synchronous Optical Networks), 385, 514
Source-Destination-IP flow masks, 259
source-route bridging (SRB), 516
source-route translational bridging (SR/ TLB), 516
source-route transparent (SRT) bridging, 516
Source Service Access Points (SSAPs), 516
Source Specific Multicasting (SSM), 316-317, 516
source trees
defined, 514
for multicast traffic routing, 303-304, 304
SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer), 515
spanning explorer packets, 515
spanning tree algorithm (STA)
defined, 515
execution of, 141
spanning-tree command, 150
spanning-tree cost command, 172
spanning tree loop indicator, 150
spanning-tree port command, 189
spanning-tree portfast command, 189
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). See STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) and spanning tree operation
spanning-tree uplinkfast command, 191
spanning-tree vlan command, 176, 179, 460
spanning-tree vlan forward-time command, 460
spanning-tree vlan hello-time command, 460
spanning-tree vlan max-age command, 460
spanning-tree vlan priority command, 460
spans, 514
sparse-dense-mode option, 320
sparse-mode option, 320
sparse mode routing protocols
CBTs, 313-314, 313-314
MSDP, 316
PIM SM, 315-316, 315
SSM, 316-317
speed command, 68
SPF (Shortest Path First) algorithm, 515
SPIDs (Service Profile Identifiers), 515
split horizon, 515
spoofing, 515-516
spoolers, 516
SPs (Switch Processors), 514
SPT (shortest path tree), 304
SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange), 516
SQE (Signal Quality Error), 516
SR/TLB (source-route translational bridging), 516
SRB (source-route bridging), 516
SRT (source-route transparent) bridging, 516
SS-7 signaling, 516
SSAPs (Source Service Access Points), 516
SSE (Silicon Switching Engine), 516
SSM (Source Specific Multicasting), 316-317, 516
STA (spanning-tree algorithm)
defined, 515
execution of, 141
Stac compression method, 516
standard image (SI) IOS, 411, 517
standard IP access lists, 517
standard IPX access lists, 517
Standard Multilayer Software Image (SMI), 21
standby ip command, 377-378
standby preempt command, 378
standby track command, 378
star topology, 517
for 2950 switches, 57-58
for 4000 switches, 56-57
state transitions, 517
states in RSTP, 194
static routes, 517
static VLANs
assigning switch ports to, 94
configuration of, 94
for 2950 and 3550 switches, 95-99
for 4000 switches, 95-96
defined, 517
statistical multiplexing, 517
STM-1 (Synchronous Transport Module Level l), 517
store-and-forward switch types, 149, 517
STP (shielded twisted-pair), 517
STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) and spanning tree operation, 141-142, 142
best path selection in, 142-145
in bridges vs. switches, 137
configuring, 150-152
defined, 515, 517
exam essentials for, 195
example, 147, 147
hands-on lab for, 201-202, 201
key terms for, 196
and multicast, 302
port states in, 145-146, 146
review questions for, 197-200, 204-205
scaling. See scaling
summary, 194-195
timers in, 177-179
written lab for, 196, 203
streaming transport, 356
stub areas, 517
stub networks, 517
STUN (Serial Tunnel), defined, 517
subarea nodes, 518
subareas, 518
subchannels, 518
subinterfaces, 518
subnet addresses, 518
subnet masks, 518
Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP), 514
subnetworks, 518
subscribed hosts, 287
subscribing to multicast groups, 287, 294
subsequent MLS packets, 250
subset advertisements, 110-111, 111
summaries in VTP advertisements, 110
Summary LSAs, 310
super frames (SFs), 513
Supervisor engines, 215
Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR), 512
SVCs (switched virtual circuits), 518
switch blocks, 22-23, 46
cabling, 46-48, 55-58
defined, 518
exam essentials for, 73-74
hands-on lab for, 80-82, 80
IOS- and set-based commands for. See IOS- and set-based commands
key terms for, 74
review questions for, 76-79, 84-85
scaling, 92
static VLAN configuration for, 94-99
VLAN boundaries in, 93
VLAN memberships in, 94
size, 23
summary, 72-73
written lab for, 75, 83
switch fabrics, 90, 403-404
bus, 404-405, 405
crossbar, 406, 406
defined, 518
shared memory, 405, 405
switch interface identification, 64
for 2950 and 3550 switches, 65-66
for 4000 switches, 64-65
Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN), 515
Switch Processors (SPs), 514
Switch> prompt, 58
switched Ethernet, 48, 518
switched LANs, 518
Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), 514
switched networks, redundancy in. See redundancy in switched networks
switched virtual circuits (SVCs), 518
access layer, 20-21
vs. bridges, 136-137
for broadcasts, 5
core layer, 22
defined, 518
distribution layer, 21
in VLANs, 90
switching technologies, 10, 402
2950 series, 413-415, 413
3550 series, 415-417, 415
4000 series, 417-419, 418
6500 series, 419-420, 420
bridging table operations, 406-407
CMS, 421
debugging, 421-422
exam essentials for, 424-425
key terms for, 425
layer 2 switching, 13
layer 3 switching, 14-15
layer 4 switching, 15
memory in, 407-410, 408, 410
multilayer switching, 15-16
in OSI model, 11-12, 11
review questions for, 426-429, 431
routing, 14
software, 410-412
summary for, 424
switching process, 402-406, 403, 405-406
system testing, 422-423
written lab for, 425, 430
switchport access command, 459
switchport access vlan command, 97-98
switchport mode command, 459
switchport mode access command, 97-98
switchport mode dynamic command, 105
switchport trunk allowed command, 459
switchport trunk allowed vlan remove command, 105
switchport trunk encapsulation command, 459
switchport trunk pruning vlan remove command, 118
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC), 512
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), 512
Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET), 385, 514
synchronous transmissions, 519
Synchronous Transport Module Level l (STM-1), 517
System Network Architecture (SNA), 514
system testing, 422-423
systems bus in process switching, 266