Fact tables, 22
choosing, 453
creating, 41–43
creating (OWB), 288–89
defined, 22
dimension table vs., 23
Easy Shopping Inc., 61–65
information, 22
joining with dimensions, 454
loading, 226
moving data from staging table to, 268–73
partitioned, 268
surrogate keys in, 224
Fast refresh, 152–57
defined, 152
example, 152–53
good performance, 154
materialized views and, 152
with partition maintenance operations, 154–57
situations, 160
See also Refreshing; Refresh operation
FCEXEC command, 444
FCSET command, 444
Filtered data, 174–76
Filters, 197–98, 201
Financial calculations, 430
FIRST function, 121
defined, 310
measure, 450
Forecasting, 430
defined, 430
OLAP DML for, 443–45
Full backups, 347
Functional dependencies, 162, 165