Access parameters, specifying, 250–51
Adaptive Bayes Network (ABN) algorithm, 482
AGGMAP command, 443, 445
Aggregate rollup, 172–73
with hierarchy described by dimension object, 173
occurrence, 172
See also Query rewrite
Aggregates, computing, 176–77
capabilities, 102
functions for, 102–9
map, 443
Allocation, 430
ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, 377
Analytical applications, 429–31
allocation, 430
analytical calculations and aggregation, 429–30
defined, 429
financial calculations, 430
forecasting, 430
modeling, 430
what-if analysis, 430–31
Analytical workspaces, 433, 434–38
accessing, in applications, 446–50
concepts, 435–38
creation tools, 457–60
defined, 428, 434–35
persistent, 435
temporary, 435
Analytic Workspace Creation Wizard, 459–60
Analytic Workspace Manager, 457
defined, 458
illustrated, 458
accessing analytical workspaces in, 446–50
analytical, 429–31
launching, 343–44
Apriori, 481
Association rules, 475–76
algorithm, 481
confidence, 476
defined, 475
illustrated, 476
support, 475
using, 476
See also Data mining; Oracle data mining
ATTRIBUTE clause, 165
defined, 179
in dimensions, 179–80
Automatic DML monitoring, 380
Automatic memory management, 101–2
Availability, 16–17