Section 16.8. WEB-INFclassescomcybertrailsstorebeans


16.8 WEB-INF/classes/com/cybertrails/store/beans

This folder contains the CatalogBean class, which takes users through the products in the store, allowing them to view categories, subcategories , and products.


 /*   *  */ package; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; public class CatalogBean {     String error;     Connection con;     public CatalogBean() {}             //************GET CATEGORIES     public ResultSet getCategories() throws SQLException,                                       Exception {             ResultSet rs = null;         try {             Statement getCategories;             String s = new String("SELECT catid, catname                   FROM categories;");             getCategories = con.createStatement();             rs = getCategories.executeQuery(s);         }         catch (SQLException sqle) {             sqle.printStackTrace();             error = "SQL Error:";             throw new SQLException(error);         }         catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();             error = "An unknown exception occured while                     executing query: getCategories";             throw new Exception(error);         }         return rs;     }   // end getCategories                 //********** GET SUB CATS         public ResultSet getSubCategories(String catid) throws                               SQLException, Exception {             ResultSet rs = null;         try {             PreparedStatement getSubCategories;             String s = new String("SELECT DISTINCT                 pc.subcatid, pc.catid,                 sc.subcatid, sc.subcatname " +                 "FROM productscategories pc " +                 "INNER JOIN subcategories sc " +                 "ON pc.subcatid = sc.subcatid " +                 "WHERE catid = ?;");           getSubCategories = con.prepareStatement(s);             // like referencing #url.catid# in CF           getSubCategories.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(catid));           rs = getSubCategories.executeQuery();         }         catch (SQLException sqle) {             sqle.printStackTrace();             error = "SQL Error:";             throw new SQLException(error);         }         catch (Exception e) {             e.printStackTrace();             error = "An unknown exception occured while                     executing getsubCategories query";             throw new Exception(error);         }         return rs;     }   // end getSubCategories             // g*********** GET PRODUCTS     public ResultSet getProducts(String subcatid) throws                              SQLException, Exception {                 ResultSet rs = null;             try {                 PreparedStatement getProducts;                 String s = new String("SELECT pc.catid,                        p.productid,, p.price,                        p.shortdescription, p.smimage " +                     "FROM productscategories pc " +                     "INNER JOIN products p " +                     "ON pc.productid = p.productid " +                     "WHERE subcatid = ?;");                 getProducts = con.prepareStatement(s);                 getProducts.setInt(1,                    Integer.parseInt(subcatid));                 rs = getProducts.executeQuery();             }             catch (SQLException sqle) {                 sqle.printStackTrace();                 error = "SQL Error";                 throw new SQLException(error);             }             catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();                 error = "An unknown exception occured in                         query: getProducts";                 throw new Exception(error);             }             return rs;         }   // end getProducts                 // *********** GET ONE PRODUCT     public ResultSet getOneProduct(String productid) throws                         SQLException, Exception {                 ResultSet rs = null;             try {                 PreparedStatement getOneProduct;                 String s = new String("SELECT *                        FROM products WHERE productid = ?;");                 getOneProduct = con.prepareStatement(s);                 getOneProduct.setInt(1,                       Integer.parseInt(productid));                 rs = getOneProduct.executeQuery();             }             catch (SQLException sqle) {                 sqle.printStackTrace();                 error = "SQL Error";                 throw new SQLException(error);             }             catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();                 error = "An unknown exception occured in                       getOneProduct";                 throw new Exception(error);             }             return rs;         }   // end getOneProduct                 // *********** GET PRODUCT OPTIONS     public ResultSet getProductOptions(String productid)                          throws SQLException, Exception {             ResultSet rs = null;             try {                 PreparedStatement getProductOptions;                 String s = new String("SELECT pos.productid,                      pos.optionsetid, os.optionsetname,                      o.optionid, o.optionname, o.priceadd " +                     "FROM productsoptionsets pos " +                     "LEFT JOIN optionsets os " +                     "ON pos.optionsetid = os.optionsetid " +                     "LEFT JOIN options o " +                     "ON o.optionsetid = os.optionsetid " +                     "WHERE pos.productid = ?;");                 getProductOptions = con.prepareStatement(s);                 getProductOptions.setInt(1,                     Integer.parseInt(productid));                 rs = getProductOptions.executeQuery();             }             catch (SQLException sqle) {                 sqle.printStackTrace();                 error = "SQL Error";                 throw new SQLException(error);             }             catch (Exception e) {                 e.printStackTrace();                 error = "An unknown exception occured in getProductOptions";                 throw new Exception(error);             }             return rs;         }   // end getProductOptions // ************ CONNECT     public void connect() throws ClassNotFoundException,                 SQLException, Exception {         try {             // load driver             Class.forName("");             // make connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:///storecybertrailscomtest","","");         }         catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {             error = "Class not found: can't find driver";             throw new ClassNotFoundException(error);         }         catch (SQLException sqle) {             error = sqle.getMessage();             throw new SQLException(error);         }         catch (Exception e) {             error = "Exception: unknown";             throw new Exception(error);         }     } //end connect             //********* DISCONNECT     public void disconnect() throws SQLException {         try {             if ( con != null )             {                 //close connection                 con.close();             }         }         catch (SQLException sqle) {             error = ("SQLException: can't close connection");             throw new SQLException(error);         }     } // end disconnect() }   // eof 


Java for ColdFusion Developers
Java for ColdFusion Developers
ISBN: 0130461806
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206
Authors: Eben Hewitt © 2008-2017.
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