6.2 Creating an NBT Session

The first step in setting up an NBT session is to discover the IP address of the remote node. The IP address is, of course, required in order to create the TCP session that will carry the NBT session. The NBT Name Service is generally used to find the remote host's IP address, though several implementations support kludges which bypass the Name Service. Once the TCP session is established (something we assume you know how to do) the NBT session is initiated using a SESSION REQUEST message, which looks like this:

 SESSION REQUEST   {   HEADER     {     TYPE   = 0x81 (Session Request)     LENGTH = 68   (See discussion below)     }   CALLED_NAME  = <Destination Level 2 Encoded NetBIOS name>   CALLING_NAME = <Source Level 2 Encoded NetBIOS name>   } 

One oddity of the Session Service is that the Scope ID is dropped from the name fields in the SESSION REQUEST message. That results in a fixed length of 34 bytes per name. That's one byte for the leading label (always 0x20 ), 32 bytes for the First Level Encoded NetBIOS name, and one more byte for the trailing label (always 0x00 ). The payload of a SESSION REQUEST message is, therefore, fixed at 2 x 34 = 68 bytes.

Caveat Alert


The RFCs do not specify whether the Scope ID should or should not be included in the CALLED or CALLING NAME . It would make sense to assume that the Scope ID should be included, since both the Name Service and Datagram Service require the Scope ID, but that's not how things actually work on the wire .

As it is, the behavior of the Session Service is inconsistent with the rest of the NBT system. Fortunately, Scope is enforced by the Name Service, so it is not critical that it be enforced by the Session Service .

There are three possible replies to the SESSION REQUEST message:


The remote node has accepted the session request, and the session is established. Kewl!

 POSITIVE SESSION RESPONSE   {   HEADER     {     TYPE   = 0x82     LENGTH = 0     }   } 


Something went wrong, and the remote node has rejected the session request.

 NEGATIVE SESSION RESPONSE   {   HEADER     {     TYPE   = 0x83     LENGTH = 1     }   ERROR_CODE = <A Session Service Error Code>   } 

The one-byte ERROR_CODE field is supposed to indicate the cause of the trouble. Possible values are:

0x80: Not Listening On Called Name

The remote node has registered the CALLED NAME , but no application or service is listening for session connection requests on that name.

0x81: Not Listening For Calling Name

The remote node has registered the CALLED NAME and is listening for connections, but it doesn't want to talk to you. It is expecting a call from some other CALLING NAME .

There are some interesting implications to this. It means that a server could, potentially , be selective about which nodes may connect. On the other hand, it would be trivial to spoof the CALLING NAME .

0x82: Called Name Not Present

The remote node has not even registered the CALLED NAME . Better re-try your name resolution.

0x83: Insufficient Resources

The remote node is busy and cannot take your call at this time.

0x8F: Unspecified Error

Something is wrong on the far end, but we are not quite sure what the problem is.

It is annoying that the error code values overlap the Session Service message type values.


This Session Service message tells the calling node to try a different IP address and/or port number, something like a Redirect directive on a web page. When a client receives a RETARGET SESSION RESPONSE message in response to a SESSION REQUEST , it is supposed to close the existing TCP connection and open a new one using the IP address and port number provided.

 RETARGET SESSION RESPONSE   {   HEADER     {     TYPE   = 0x84     LENGTH = 6     }   RETARGET_IP_ADDRESS = <New IP address>   PORT                = <New TCP port number>   } 

This feature opens up some interesting possibilities. Retargeting could be used for load balancing, fault tolerance, or to allow unprivileged users to run their own SMB servers on high-numbered ports.

Of course, client support for this feature is inconsistent. Based on some simple tests, it seems that Samba's smbclient handles retargeting just fine, as do Windows 95 and Windows 98. In contrast, Windows 2000 deals with the RETARGET SESSION RESPONSE as if it were an error message of some sort . W2K will retry the original IP address and port number, and then give up.

Listing 6.1 Session retargeting
 #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> void PrintL1Name( uchar *src, int max )   /* ---------------------------------------------------- **    * Decode and pretty-print an L1-encoded NetBIOS name.    * ---------------------------------------------------- **    */   {   int         suffix;   static char namestr[16];   suffix = L1_Decode( namestr, src, 1, max );   Hex_Print( namestr, strlen( namestr ) );   printf( "<%.2x>", suffix );   }/* PrintL1Name */ int Get_SS_Length( uchar *hdr )   /* ---------------------------------------------------- **    * Read the length field from an SMB Session Service    * header.    * ---------------------------------------------------- **    */   {   int tmp;   tmp  = (hdr[1] & 1) << 16;   tmp = hdr[2] << 8;   tmp = hdr[3];   return( tmp );   } /* Get_SS_Length */ int OpenPort139( void )   /* ---------------------------------------------------- **    * Open port 139 for listening.    * Note: this requires root privilege, and Samba's    *       SMBD daemon must not be running on its    *       default port.    * ---------------------------------------------------- **    */   {   int                result;   int                sock;   struct sockaddr_in sox;   /* Create the socket. */   sock = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );   if( sock < 0 )     {     printf( "Failed to create socket(); %s.\n",             strerror( errno ) );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   /* Bind the socket to any interface, port TCP/139.  */   sox.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;   sox.sin_family      = AF_INET;   sox.sin_port        = htons( 139 );   result = bind( sock,                  (struct sockaddr *)&sox,                  sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );   if( result < 0 )     {     printf( "Failed to bind() socket; %s.\n",             strerror( errno ) );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   /* Post the listen request. */   result = listen( sock, 5 );   if( result < 0 )     {     printf( "Failed to listen() on socket; %s.\n",             strerror( errno ) );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   /* Ready... */   return( sock );   } /* OpenPort139 */ void Listen( struct in_addr trg_addr, int trg_port )   /* ---------------------------------------------------- **    * Accepts incoming connections, sends a retarget    * message, and then disconnects.    * ---------------------------------------------------- **    */   {   int                listen_sock;   int                reply_sock;   int                result;   struct sockaddr_in remote_addr;   socklen_t          addr_len;   uchar              recvbufr[1536];   uchar              replymsg[10];   listen_sock = OpenPort139();   /* Fill in the redirect message. */   replymsg[0] = 0x84;   /* Retarget code. */   replymsg[1] = 0;   replymsg[2] = 0;   replymsg[3] = 6;      /* Remaining length. */   (void)memcpy( &(replymsg[4]), &trg_addr.s_addr, 4 );   trg_port = htons( trg_port );   (void)memcpy( &(replymsg[8]), &trg_port, 2 );   printf( "Waiting for connections...\n" );   for(;;)  /* Until killed. */     {     /* Wait for a connection. */     addr_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );     reply_sock = accept( listen_sock,                          (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr,                          &addr_len );     /* If the accept() failed exit with an error message. */     if( reply_sock < 0 )       {       printf( "Error accept()ing a connection: %s\n",               strerror(errno) );       exit( EXIT_FAILURE );       }     result = recv( reply_sock, recvbufr, 1536, 0 );     if( result < 0 )       {       printf( "Error receiving packet: %s\n",               strerror(errno) );       }     else       {       printf( "SESSION MESSAGE\n  {\n" );       printf( "  TYPE   = 0x%.2x\n", recvbufr[0] );       printf( "  LENGTH = %d\n", Get_SS_Length( recvbufr ) );       if( 0x81 == recvbufr[0] )         {         int offset;         printf( "  CALLED_NAME  = " );         PrintL1Name( &recvbufr[4], result );         offset = 5 + strlen( &(recvbufr[4]) );         printf( "\n  CALLING_NAME = " );         PrintL1Name( &recvbufr[offset], result );         printf( "\n  }\nSending Retarget message.\n" );         (void)send( reply_sock, (void *)replymsg, 10, 0 );         }       else         printf( "  }\nPacket Dropped.\n" );       }     close( reply_sock );     }   } /* Listen */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )   /* ---------------------------------------------------- **    * Simple daemon that listens on port TCP/139 and    * redirects incoming traffic to another IP and port.    * ---------------------------------------------------- **    */   {   int            target_port;   struct in_addr target_address;   if( argc != 3 )     {     printf( "Usage:  %s <IP> <PORT>\n", argv[0] );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   if( 0 == inet_aton( argv[1], &target_address ) )     {     printf( "Invalid IP.\n" );     printf( "Usage:  %s <IP> <PORT>\n", argv[0] );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   target_port = atoi( argv[2] );   if( 0 == target_port )     {     printf( "Invalid Port number.\n" );     printf( "Usage:  %s <IP> <PORT>\n", argv[0] );     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );     }   Listen( target_address, target_port );   return( EXIT_SUCCESS );   } /* main */ 

One more note regarding the Retarget message: there are NetBIOS name issues to consider. The CALLED NAME must be in the name table of the node that sends the RETARGET SESSION RESPONSE message, but it must also be accepted by the node to which the session is retargeted. That may take some juggling to get right.

Figure 6.1. Naming and session retargeting

Node Ruby is trying to open a connection to a service named ANDOR<20> . Node Teru has the name ANDOR<20> in its local name table, so Ruby tries to connect to node Teru . Teru retargets Ruby to IP address which (we hope) will accept the connection from Ruby .

The RETARGET SESSION RESPONSE message does not work well with normal NetBIOS name management.


For those interested in playing with retargeting, it is fairly easily done. Samba's smbd daemon can be told to listed on a non-standard port and, as a bonus, it ignores the CALLED NAME in the session request. You can run the retarget daemon listed above in combination with the Samba nmbd Name Service daemon, and retarget connections to smbd running on a high port on the same machine, or running on a remote machine.

Implementing CIFS. The Common Internet File System
Implementing CIFS: The Common Internet File System
ISBN: 013047116X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 210

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