

destructors and, 31
features, 4
multiple inheritance and, 7
structs, 5
multiple inheritance and, 7
CalcWeightTransfer method, CarDynamics class, 341, 352
Caligari, 386
Camera class
attaching to object, 199
constructors, 202
creating projection matrix, 200
culling enumeration, 199
defining, 199
Eye vector, 200, 208
inherited by Opponent class, 279
LookAt vector, 200, 208
AddVisibleObject method, 212
AdjustHeading method, 203
AdjustPitch method, 204
Attach method, 205
CheckFrustum method, 93, 206207, 228
GetDistance method, 208, 276
LookAt method, 205
MoveCamera method, 204
Rendering method, 208
Reset method, 211
naming, 200
players view, 197
attaching to objects, 205
creating, 202
culling with, 206
defining in 3D rendering, 80
positioning, 203
Caps structure
MaxActiveLights property, 224
Car class, extended by Opponent, 278
car physics classes
CarDynamics class, 329
GearState enumeration, 329
IgnitionState enumeration, 329
Wheel class, 320
WhichWheel enumeration, 323
CarDynamics class
attributes, 329, 330, 331
constructor, 336
enumerations, 329, 331
front_wheel_drive flag, 340
inverse_mass attribute, 340
CalcWeightTransfer method, 341, 352
Dispose method, 344
Get method, 335
GetPitch method, 355
GetRoll method, 355
IntegratePosition method, 340, 352
IsTireLoose method, 356
IsTireSquealing method, 356
MajorCollision method, 361
MinorCollision method, 361
Process method, 337, 344, 346, 349, 351352
ProcessAttitude method, 352, 359
ProcessWheels method, 352, 357
Reset method, 337
Set method, 335
SetAllGroundHeights method, 354
SetAttitude method, 353
SetFriction method, 342
SetGearRatio method, 342
SetGroundHeight method, 354
SetPosition method, 353
SetTireStiction method, 356
SetVelocity method, 353
SetWheelAltitude method, 343
SetWheelOffset method, 343
WheelAngle method, 354
WheelEast method, 343
WheelHeight method, 343
WheelNorth method, 342
properties, 333
HorsePower property, 335
supporting classes used in, 304
CD3DApplication class
initializing DirectX 9, 15
OnKeyDown method, 63
CenterOfMass property, ICollidable interface, 9
centripetal acceleration, 332, 346
CGameEngine class. See GameEngine class
cg_height attribute, CarDynamics class, 330
CheckCulling method, GameLights class, 227
CheckFrustum method, Camera class, 93, 206207, 228
Clean method, Mesh class, 176
Clear method, Expression class, 248
ClickTest method, ImageButton class, 47, 51
ClipEnded method, Music class, 282283
clipping, 104
Cloth class
attributes and constants, 365
constructor, 368371
inheritance, 366
Dispose method, 380
DoPhysics method, 371, 376378
PopulateBuffer method, 372
PopulateIndexBuffer method, 373
Render method, 374
Update method, 375
Node constructor, 364
Node structure attributes, 363
NodeIndex structure, 364
properties, 367
Spring structure, 365
support structures, 363
cloth dynamics, 303
cloth surface, dividing into nodes, 363
Collide method, Model class, 183
CollidePolygon method, ICollidable interface, 9
CollideSphere method, ICollidable interface, 9
collision detection and testing
bounding radius, 172
Model class, 182, 183
non Model class, 186
OABB, 169, 172
CollisionCheck method
all objects to have, 81
collisions, elastic and inelastic, 362
CombineByAnding property, Expression class, 248
CompareTo method
GameLights class, 221
IComparable interface, 218
ComputeBoundingSphere method, Geometry class, 174
ComputeFaceNormal method, GameMath class, 124
Console class
constructor, 57
defining, 56
IsVisible properly, 66
AddCharacterToEntryLine method, 63
AddCommand method, 65
AddLine method, 62
AddParameter method, 66
Help method, 67
ParseCommand method, 64
ProcessEntry method, 63
RemoveParameter method, 66
Render method, 58, 61
Reset method, 57
Set method, 67, 69
SetMaxScreenSize method, 62
SetScreenSize method, 62
ToggleState method, 66
accessing, 54
adding help capabilities, 67
defining components , 54
reasons for using, 54
rendering, 58
scrolling effect, 59
Contains method
Rectangle class, 128, 151, 165
Thinker class, 262
conv3ds application
converting model formats, 387
CooperativeLevelFlags enumeration, 30
Copy method
BillBoard class, 145, 147
ParticleGenerator class, 159
CreateLOD method, Model class, 177, 179
CreateQuad method, SkyFace class, 117
CreateTexture method, GraphicsUtility class, 116, 133
Creator modeling tool, 385
converting model formats, 387
Cull method
common method, all objects to have, 81
Quad class, 9394
Culled flag, RenderState class, 187
Culled property, ICullable interface, 8
back face culling, 102
description of process, 2
determining culled state of object, 81
implementing, 93
restoring culling states to previous value, 103
techniques, 86
CullState enumeration, 199
Custo mVertex namespace, 114

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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