

data curves, adding support for, 318
data display methods , 29
DBMon window, 385
DeactivateLights method, GameLights class, 224
Visual Studio, 384
DirectX SDK, 385
deep copy, 147
Deep Exploration, 387
DestinationBlend state, RenderState class, 149
destructors, C# and, 31
developer splash screen, 11
development environment, 383
Device class
Acquire method, 3132
DrawPrimitives method, 102, 104, 117, 140, 150
Poll method, 3132
SetCooperativeLevel method, 30
Unacquire method, 32
Device property, Listener class, 289
Device3D class
DeviceCaps property, 224
RenderState method, 149
DeviceCaps property, Device3D class, 224
DeviceDataFormat enumeration
Keyboard constant, 31
diffuse color
basic object color properties, 106
Direct3D API calls
compared to OpenGL API calls, 4
Directlnput class
providing access to user input, 29
directional light, 110, 214
DirectSound namespace
advantages of using these classes, 293
three dimensional sound, 288
DirectX 9
converting model formats to, 387
downloading, 383
rendering for game engine project, 4
DirectX Wizard, 384
Dispose method
BillBoard class, 151
Bitmap class, 130
CarDynamics class, 344
Cloth class, 380
IDisposable interface, 31
ImageButton class, 44
Listener class, 292
Model class, 190
ParticleGenerator class, 156, 166
Quad class, 97
SkyBox class, 119
SkyFace class, 118
SoundEffect class, 300
Terrain class, 140
TerrainQuad class, 127
Thinker class, 265
VertexBuffer class, 174
DoActions method, AIState class, 255
DoOptions method, GameEngine class, 73
DoPhysics method, Cloth class, 371, 376378
drag attribute, CarDynamics class, 331
drag_coeff attribute, CarDynamics class, 332
DrawPrimitives method, Device class, 102, 104, 117, 140, 150
matrix manipulation example, 102
rendering face of SkyBox object, 117
vertex buffer, 104
DrawSubset method, ProgressiveMesh class, 187
Drive value, GearState enumeration, 346
DriverView method, Thinker class, 274
dynamics of cloth, 363

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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