God wants you to discover your destinyHe doesnt want you to wander aimlessly through life, not knowing what you were put on Earth to do. Most likely, you already have a clue as to what your destiny is, but youre allowing obstacles to keep you from fulfilling it. On the other hand, sometimes obstacles can be viewed as spiritual bumpers that God is using to steer you in the right direction for your divine destiny. If you continue to pursue the path thats wrong for you, youll never get to your destination in life. At the same time, you can benefit from the experiences you have along the way to help you gain valuable skills that will benefit you later on.
In college, I thought I knew my destinyto play in the NBA. At 6'7", I was on the starting lineup of my basketball team all four years, was captain three years in a row, and averaged a little more than 16 points a game in my senior year. And, most important, I had a passion for the game. When the NBA didnt draft me, I realized that even though a basketball career wasnt part of my destiny, the knowledge Id gleaned from my experiences has helped me develop many skills I needed to be successful today. Basketball taught me self-discipline, teamwork, and the importance of having a game plan. Similarly, all of your life experiences can become stepping-stones to your final destination.