Lang, Kim, 94, 190-191, 195, 196, 219-224, 227, 228
Lansing J. C. Penney store
Batten's early career at, 66-75
and Depression economy, 79-80
first man coholder concept at, 77-78
management training program at, 89
Maynard's appointment to, 46-47
and open -to-buy agreement, 85-87
rose bush sale at, 81-84
sales per square foot at, 87
Lansing State Journal , 47-48
LaRovere, Ralph, 182-184, 187-188
Lenexa shareholders meeting, 271-276
Levi Strauss, 44, 235, 236
LPGA convention speech, 189-196, 211, 219-228