SyncML®: Synchronizing and Managing Your Mobile Data By Uwe Hansmann, Riku Mettälä, Apratim Purakayastha, Peter Thompson, Phillipe Kahn
Table of Contents
Part II. SyncML In-Depth
The SyncML® Representation Protocol [SRP02] defines the syntax of information exchange between two synchronizing entities. The Representation Protocol is centered on a few basic concepts. First, it introduces a consistent way to identify the data being synchronized it provides flexible mechanisms to identify individual data items and sets of data items. Second, it provides a vocabulary to express various operations on data, such as insertion, modification, and deletion.
In this chapter we first review the above basic concepts. We then proceed further to discuss additional issues associated with any practical protocol. Such issues include protocol management, process flow, and text and binary representations. This chapter provides a comprehensive description of all aspects of the Representation Protocol with illustrative examples of individual Protocol elements.