UDP protocol

SOAP-over-UDP, 1133–1134

TCP versus, 1266

UdpClient class, 1266–1267

UDTs (user-defined types). See also Coordinate struct

converting from a string, 641

converting to a string, 640–641

creating, 636–641

deploying, 642

enumerations, 55–57

limitations on, 636

object type as parent, 44

overview, 636

serialization formats, 637–638

[SqlUserDefinedType] attribute, 637, 638

using from client-side code, 642–643

Visual Studio template for, 636–637

unboxing. See boxing and unboxing

unchecked operator, 137

#undef preprocessor directive, 71

UnexpectedException, 341, 347

Unicode characters

combining, 514

globalization issues, 514–515

in identifiers, 74–75

StringInfo methods for combined characters, 515

unsafe code. See also pointers; type safety

anonymous methods and, 177

unsafe operators, 134

unsafe keyword, 205–206

updating Active Directory entries, 733

updating data sources with Visual Studio .NET, 826

updating records with ADO.NET

calling stored procedures, 594–595

ExecuteNonQuery() method for, 591

setting update constraints, 611–612

using data adapters, 621–623

UploadData() method (WebClient class), 1242

UploadFile() method (WebClient class), 1242

UPN (user principal name) in Active Directory, 729

Uri class, 1258–1259

UriBuilder class, 1258, 1259

URIs, capturing sections with regular expressions, 242–243

usage conventions

casing of names, 76–77

compilation and, 75

fields, 81

name styles, 77

names and keywords, 78–80

namespace names, 77

.NET guidelines and naming philosophy, 75–76

properties and methods, 80

variable prefixes, 75

user controls (ASP.NET)

adding methods, 949–950

attributes for, 947

creating Web site for, 945

custom controls versus, 952

defined, 944

defining default state for, 946

event handlers, 948, 950

file extensions for code, 945

graphics for card suit display, 946

naming HTML tag for, 946

overview, 944–945

in PCSDemoSite application, 950–952

properties for accessing, 947–948

<%@ Register %> directive for, 946

simple example, 945–950

using in Web pages, 950

user controls (Windows Forms)

adding properties, 796–797

adding TextBox controls, 795–796

attributes for, 798–799

creating the container control, 795

further enhancements possible for, 799

get methods for properties, 797

initialization, 798

set methods for properties, 797–798

TextChanged event handler, 797–798

uses for, 794

user interaction. See also events

CapsEditor example, 890–893

Control class and, 760–761

with Form class, 782–784

interactive Windows Services, 1302

User Interface Editor (ClickOnce), 571–573

user principal name (UPN) in Active Directory, 729

user-defined aggregates

creating, 644–645

deploying, 645

uses for, 643

using, 645

user-defined casts

between base and derived classes, 163–164

boxing and unboxing, 164–165

compilation and, 165–166

converting integers to floats, 159–162

between derived classes, 162–163

implementing, 159–165

implicit versus explicit casts and, 157–158

multiple casting, 165–169

syntax, 158–159

user-defined exception classes

catching user-defined exceptions, 341–343

defining, 346–348

MortimerColdCall example, 340–348

throwing user-defined exceptions, 343–346

user-defined functions with SQL Server, 647–648

user-defined types. See UDTs

UserSearch Active Directory application

described, 740

getting the schema naming context, 741–742

getting user class property names, 742–743

searching for user objects, 743–745

user interface, 740–741

using statements

CapsEditor example, 881–882

for custom controls (ASP.NET), 953

Dispose() method and, 201–202

for Enterprise Services client, 1077

for event-booking application, 995

FileProperties application, 1193–1194

making OleDB classes available, 597

for namespace aliases, 60–61

for namespaces, 32, 59–60

PrintingCapsEdit project, 898

QuoteClient assembly, 1280

for releasing database resources, 586–587, 588

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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