Section 11.4. Contracts

11.4. Contracts

In reading about software design, you are likely to come across the term contract, often without any accompanying explanation. In fact, software engineering gives this term a meaning that is very close to what people usually understand a contract to be. In everyday usage, a contract defines what two parties can expect of each othertheir obligations to each other in some transaction. If a contract specifies the service that a supplier is offering to a client, the supplier's obligations are obvious. But the client, too, may have obligationsbesides the obligation to payand failing to meet them will automatically release the supplier from her obligations as well. For example, airlines' conditions of carriagefor the class of tickets that we can afford, anywayrelease them from the obligation to carry passengers who have failed to turn up on time. This allows the airlines to plan their service on the assumption that all the passengers they are carrying are punctual; they do not have to incur extra work to accommodate clients who have not fulfilled their side of the contract.

Contracts work just the same way in software. If the contract for a method states preconditions on its arguments (i.e., the obligations that a client must fulfill), the method is required to return its contracted results only when those preconditions are fulfilled. For example, binary search (see Section 17.1.4) is a fast algorithm to find a key within an ordered list, and it fails if you apply it to an unordered list. So the contract for Collections.binarySearch can say, "if the list is unsorted, the results are undefined", and the implementer of binary search is free to write code which, given an unordered list, returns random results, throws an exception, or even enters an infinite loop. In practice, this situation is relatively rare in the contracts of the core API because, instead of restricting input validity, they mostly allow for error states in the preconditions and specify the exceptions that the method must throw if it gets bad input. This design may be appropriate for general libraries such as the Collections Framework, which will be very heavily used in widely varying situations and by programmers of widely varying ability. You should probably avoid it for less-general libraries, because it restricts the flexibility of the supplier unnecessarily. In principle, all that a client should need to know is how to keep to its side of the contract; if it fails to do that, all bets are off and there should be no need to say exactly what the supplier will do.

It's good practice in Java to code to an interface rather than to a particular implementation, so as to provide maximum flexibility in choosing implementations. For that to work, what does it imply about the behavior of implementations? If your client code uses methods of the List interface, for example, and at run time the object doing the work is actually an ArrayList, you need to know that the assumptions you have made about how Lists behave are true for ArrayLists also. So a class implementing an interface has to fulfill all the obligations laid down by the terms of the interface contract. Of course, a weaker form of these obligations is already imposed by the compiler; a class claiming to implement an interface must provide concrete method definitions matching the declarations in the interface. Contracts take this further by specifying the behavior of these methods as well.

The Collections Framework separates interface and implementation obligations in an unusual way. Some API methods return collections with restricted functionalityfor example, the set of keys that you can obtain from a Map can have elements removed but not added (see Chapter 16). Others can have elements neither added nor removed (e.g., the list view returned by Arrays.asList), or may be completely read-only, for example collections that have been wrapped in an unmodifiable wrapper (see Section 17.3.2). To accommodate this variety of behaviors in the Framework without an explosion in the number of interfaces, the designers labeled the modification methods in the Collection interface (and in the Iterator and ListIterator interfaces) as optional operations. If a client tries to modify a collection using an optional operation that the collection does not implement, the method must throw UnsupportedOperationException. The advantage to this approach is that the structure of the Framework interfaces is very simple, a great virtue in a library that every Java programmer must learn. The drawback is that a client programmer can no longer rely on the contract for the interface, but has to know which implementation is being used and to consult the contract for that as well. That's so serious that you will probably never be justified in subverting interfaces in this way in your own designs.

The contract for a class spells out what a client can rely on in using it, often including performance guarantees. To fully understand the performance characteristics of a class, however, you may need to know some detail about the algorithms it uses. In this part of the book, while we concentrate mainly on contracts and how, as a client programmer, you can make use of them, we also give some further implementation detail from the platform classes where it might be of interest. This can be useful in deciding between implementations, but remember that it is not stable; while contracts are binding, one of the main advantages of using them is that they allow implementations to change as better algorithms are discovered or as hardware improvements change their relative merits. And of course, if you are using another implementation, such as GNU Classpath, algorithm details not governed by the contract may be entirely different.

Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections
ISBN: 0596527756
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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