Section 9.4. Strategy

9.4. Strategy

The Strategy pattern is used to decouple a method from an object, allowing you to supply many possible instances of the method. Our discussion of the Strategy pattern illustrates a structuring technique found in many object-oriented programs, that of parallel class hierarchies. We will illustrate the Strategy pattern by considering how tax payers may apply different tax strategies. There will be a hierarchy for tax payers, and a related hierarchy for tax strategies. For example, there is a default strategy that applies to any tax payer. One subclass of tax payer is a trust, and one subclass of the default strategy is one that applies only to trusts.

Our discussion will also illustrate a technique often used with generic typesthe use of type variables with recursive bounds. We have already seen this trick at work in the definition of the Comparable interface and the Enum class; here we will apply it to clarify the connection between tax payers and their associated tax strategies. We also explain the getThis TRick, which allows us to assign a more precise type to this when type variables with recursive bounds appear.

First, we'll look at a basic version of the Strategy pattern, which shows how to use generics to design parallel class hierarchies. Next, we'll look at an advanced version where objects contain their own strategies, which uses type variables with recursive bounds and explains the getThis TRick.

The example in this section was developed in discussion with Heinz M. Kabutz, and also appears in his online publication, The Java Specialists' Newsletter.

Parallel Class Hierarchies A typical use of the Strategy pattern is for tax computation, as shown in Example 9.6. We have a class TaxPayer with subclasses Person and TRust. Every tax payer has an income, and, in addition, a trust may be nonprofit. For example, we may define a person with an income of $100,000.00 and two trusts with the same income, one nonprofit and one otherwise:

A basic Strategy pattern with parallel class hierarchies

 abstract class TaxPayer {   public long income;  // in cents   public TaxPayer(long income) { this.income = income; }   public long getIncome() { return income; } } class Person extends TaxPayer {   public Person(long income) { super(income); } } class Trust extends TaxPayer {   private boolean nonProfit;   public Trust(long income, boolean nonProfit) {     super(income); this.nonProfit = nonProfit;   }   public boolean isNonProfit() { return nonProfit; } } interface TaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer> {   public long computeTax(P p); } class DefaultTaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer> implements TaxStrategy<P> {   private static final double RATE = 0.40;   public long computeTax(P payer) {     return Math.round(payer.getIncome() * RATE);   } } class DodgingTaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer> implements TaxStrategy<P> {   public long computeTax(P payer) { return 0; } } class TrustTaxStrategy extends DefaultTaxStrategy<Trust> {   public long computeTax(Trust trust) {     return trust.isNonProfit() ? 0 : super.computeTax(trust);   } } 

 Person person = new Person(10000000); Trust nonProfit = new Trust(10000000, true); Trust forProfit = new Trust(10000000, false); 

In accordance with good practice, we represent all monetary values, such as incomes or taxes, by long integers standing for the value in cents (see "Item 31: Avoid float and double if exact answers are required," in Effective Java by Joshua Bloch, Addison-Wesley).

For each tax payer P there may be many possible strategies for computing tax. Each strategy implements the interface TaxStrategy<P>, which specifies a method computeTax that takes as argument a tax payer of type P and returns the tax paid. Class DefaultTaxStrategy computes the tax by multiplying the income by a fixed tax rate of 40 percent, while class DodgingTaxStrategy always computes a tax of zero:

 TaxStrategy<Person> defaultStrategy = new DefaultStrategy<Person>(); TaxStrategy<Person> dodgingStrategy = new DodgingStrategy<Person>(); assert defaultStrategy.computeTax(person) == 4000000; assert dodgingStrategy.computeTax(person) == 0; 

Of course, our example is simplified for purposes of illustrationwe do not recommend that you compute taxes using either of these strategies! But it should be clear how these techniques extend to more complex tax payers and tax strategies.

Finally, class TRustTaxStrategy computes a tax of zero if the trust is nonprofit and uses the default tax strategy otherwise:

 TaxStrategy<Trust> trustStrategy = new TrustTaxStrategy(); assert trustStrategy.computeTax(nonProfit) == 0; assert trustStrategy.computeTax(forProfit) == 4000000; 

Generics allow us to specialize a given tax strategy to a given type of tax payer, and allow the compiler to detect when a tax strategy is applied to the wrong type of tax payer:

 trustStrategy.computeTax(person); // compile-time error 

Without generics, the computeTax method of TRustTaxStrategy would have to accept an argument of type TaxPayer and cast it to type TRust, and errors would throw an exception at run time rather than be caught at compile time.

This example illustrates a structuring technique found in many object-oriented programsthat of parallel class hierarchies. In this case, one class hierarchy consists of TaxPayer, Person, and trust. A parallel class hierarchy consists of strategies corresponding to each of these: two strategies, DefaultTaxStrategy and DodgingTaxStrategy apply to any TaxPayer, no specialized strategies apply to Person, and there is one specialized strategy for trust.

Usually, there is some connection between such parallel hierarchies. In this case, the computeTax method for a TaxStrategy that is parallel to a given TaxPayer expects an argument that is of the corresponding type; for instance, the computeTax method for trustTaxStrategy expects an arguement of type trust. With generics, we can capture this connection neatly in the types themselves. In this case, the computeTax method for TaxStrategy<P> expects an argument of type P, where P must be subclass of TaxPayer. Using the techniques we have described here, generics can often be used to capture similar relations in other parallel class hierarchies.

An Advanced Strategy Pattern with Recursive Generics In more advanced uses of the Strategy pattern, an object contains the strategy to be applied to it. Modelling this situation requires recursive generic types and exploits a trick to assign a generic type to this.

The revised Strategy pattern is shown in Example 9.7. In the advanced version, each tax payer object contains its own tax strategy, and the constructor for each kind of tax payer includes a tax strategy as an additional argument:

An advanced Strategy pattern with recursive bounds

 abstract class TaxPayer<P extends TaxPayer<P>> {   public long income;  // in cents   private TaxStrategy<P> strategy;   public TaxPayer(long income, TaxStrategy<P> strategy) {     this.income = income; this.strategy = strategy;   }   protected abstract P getThis();   public long getIncome() { return income; }   public long computeTax() { return strategy.computeTax(getThis()); } } class Person extends TaxPayer<Person> {   public Person(long income, TaxStrategy<Person> strategy) {     super(income, strategy);   }   protected Person getThis() { return this; } } class Trust extends TaxPayer<Trust> {   private boolean nonProfit;   public Trust(long income, boolean nonProfit, TaxStrategy<Trust> strategy){     super(income, strategy); this.nonProfit = nonProfit;   }   protected Trust getThis() { return this; }   public boolean isNonProfit() { return nonProfit; } } interface TaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer<P>> {   public long computeTax(P p); } class DefaultTaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer<P>> implements TaxStrategy<P> {   private static final double RATE = 0.40;   public long computeTax(P payer) {     return Math.round(payer.getIncome() * RATE);   } } class DodgingTaxStrategy<P extends TaxPayer<P>> implements TaxStrategy<P> {   public long computeTax(P payer) { return 0; } } class TrustTaxStrategy extends DefaultTaxStrategy<Trust> {   public long computeTax(Trust trust) {     return trust.isNonprofit() ? 0 : super.computeTax(trust);   } } 

 Person normal = new Person(10000000, new DefaultTaxStrategy<Person>()); Person dodger = new Person(10000000, new DodgingTaxStrategy<Person>()); Trust nonProfit = new Trust(10000000, true, new TrustTaxStrategy()); Trust forProfit = new Trust(10000000, false, new TrustTaxStrategy()); 

Now we may invoke a computeTax method of no arguments directly on the tax payer, which will in turn invoke the computeTax method of the tax strategy, passing it the tax payer:

 assert normal.computeTax() == 4000000; assert dodger.computeTax() == 0; assert nonProfit.computeTax() == 0; assert forProfit.computeTax() == 4000000; 

This structure is often preferable, since one may associate a given tax strategy directly with a given tax payer.

Before, we used a class TaxPayer and an interface TaxStrategy<P>, where the type variable P stands for the subclass of TaxPayer to which the strategy applies. Now we must add the type parameter P to both, in order that the class TaxPayer<P> can have a field of type TaxStrategy<P>. The new declaration for the type variable P is necessarily recursive, as seen in the new header for the TaxPayer class:

 class TaxPayer<P extends TaxPayer<P>> 

We have seen similar recursive headers before:

 interface Comparable<T extends Comparable<T>> class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> 

In all three cases, the class or interface is the base class of a type hierarchy, and the type parameter stands for a specific subclass of the base class. Thus, P in TaxPayer<P> stands for the specific kind of tax payer, such as Person or TRust; just as T in Comparable<T> stands for the specific class being compared, such as String; or E in Enum<E> stands for the specific enumerated type, such as Season.

The tax payer class contains a field for the tax strategy and a method that passes the tax payer to the tax strategy, as well as a recursive declaration for P just like the one used in TaxPayer. In outline, we might expect it to look like this:

 // not well-typed! class TaxPayer<P extends TaxPayer<P>> {   private TaxStrategy<P> strategy;   public long computeTax() { return strategy.computeTax(this); }   ... } class Person extends TaxPayer<Person> { ... } class Trust extends TaxPayer<Trust> { ... } 

But the compiler rejects the above with a type error. The problem is that this has type TaxPayer<P>, whereas the argument to computeTax must have type P. Indeed, within each specific tax payer class, such as Person or trust, it is the case that this does have type P; for example, Person extends TaxPayer<Person>, so P is the same as Person within this class. So, in fact, this will have the same type as P, but the type system does not know that!

We can fix this problem with a trick. In the base class TaxPayer<P> we define an abstract method getThis that is intended to return the same value as this but gives it the type P. The method is instantiated in each class that corresponds to a specific kind of tax payer, such as Person or trust, where the type of this is indeed the same as the type P. In outline, the corrected code now looks like this:

 // now correctly typed abstract class TaxPayer<P extends TaxPayer<P>> {   private TaxStrategy<P> strategy;   protected abstract P getThis();   public long computeTax() { return strategy.computeTax(getThis()); }   ... } final class Person extends TaxPayer<Person> {   protected Person getThis() { return this; }   ... } final class Trust extends TaxPayer<Trust> {   protected Trust getThis() { return this; }   ... } 

The differences from the previous code are in bold. Occurences of this are replaced by calls to getThis; the method getThis is declared abstract in the base class and it is instantiated appropriately in each final subclass of the base class. The base class TaxPayer<P> must be declared abstract because it declares the type for getThis but doesn't declare the body. The body for getThis is declared in the final subclasses Person and trust.

Since trust is declared final, it cannot have subclasses. Say we wanted a subclass NonProfitTrust of trust. Then not only would we have to remove the final declaration on the class TRust, we would also need to add a type parameter to it. Here is a sketch of the required code:

 abstract class Trust<T extends Trust> extends TaxPayer<T> { ... } final class NonProfitTrust extends Trust<NonProfitTrust> { ... } final class ForProfitTrust extends Trust<ForProfitTrust> { ... } 

Now an instance of NonProfitTrust takes a strategy that expects a NonProfitTrust as an argument, and ForProfitTrust behaves similarly. It is often convenient to set up a parameterized type hierarchy in this way, where classes with subclasses take a type parameter and are abstract and classes without subclasses do not take a type parameter and are final. A body for the getThis method is declared in each final subclass.

Summary As we have seen, recursive type parameters often appear in Java:

 class TaxPayer<P extends TaxPayer<P>> Comparable<T extends Comparable<T>> class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> 

The getThis TRick is useful in this situation whenever one wants to use this in the base type with the more specific type provided by the type parameter.

We will see another example of recursive type parameters in the next section, applied to two mutually recursive classes. However, although the getThis TRick is often useful, we will not require it there.

Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections
ISBN: 0596527756
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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