Understanding Google Web Services

Whenever a new technology appears on the scene, it's important to compare it with other technologies. The comparison process often helps you decide how this new technology differs from what you used in the past and reduces problems caused by hype. The media might try to convince you that a new product or service is something completely different, when in fact it's merely an update or a new implementation of an existing technology.

Currently, there's a lot of hype about Web services that makes them sound like something new and very complex. This section of the chapter defines Web services generally , examines Google Web Services specifically , and compares this technology to older technologies. What you'll find might surprise you because Web services are really a new implementation of an old technique.


Don't confuse new with useful . Web services are very useful because they add new functionality to an existing idea that has worked for a long time. They're also new in that they use a different process from other technologies. However, the technology itself builds on other techniques that you have already used in some way. In sum, the implementation is new, the process is useful, but the technique is the same one you've used in the past.

What Is a Web Service?

You can look at a Web service from a number of perspectives. The easiest way to view a Web service is as a means of obtaining access to information. Essentially , you ask the server for information and the server returns that information in some form. The request and the returned information normally appear in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) form. Using XML preserves the meaning behind the information, regardless of the diversity of the platforms involved, so that you receive not only the information, but understand the context in which the information is used. The "Understanding XML Basics" section of Chapter 3 tells you more about XML. All you need to know now is that you receive information in XML format.

From a Google Web Services perspective, you request information based on any of a number of search criteria. Google supports a number of search techniques and not every technique works well for every kind of search. Chapter 2 discusses search techniques in detail. For now, just think of the search criteria as a form of request. The request defines the kind of information you want to know and how detailed that information will be. Google Web Services returns the information you request (when available) in a standardized format.


Google's database schema specifies the format of the information. A schema defines the organization of information in a database. Fortunately, the format of the data returned by Google is relatively simple. You only have to consider a few return types. However, the content of the return data is a different story. Learn more about the Google database schema in the "Understanding the Google Data Output" section of Chapter 4.

A Web service also performs some type of useful work. The useful work might be something as simple as interpreting your request, calculating the answer, and sending the result back. In the case of Google Web Services, the Web service accepts your request in the form of a search request, interacts with the database through a search engine to obtain the information you requested , and sends the information back to you. The search can take various forms. For example, you don't have to search all Web sites ”you can concentrate on just one. You might want to look for pictures, rather than text, and might only have an interest in newsgroups. The rest of the book shows how to perform all of these tasks . The main idea is that you can submit a variety of search request types ”the request type affects the information you receive back from Google.

The final consideration for a Web service (at least from the Web service user perspective) is that it executes on the remote machine, not on your machine. In short, this means you're using resources on that other machine with the permission of the machine's owner. The remote machine can set requirements for using the Web service, as well as require you to perform specific setup and security checks as part of your request. In the case of Google Web Services, you need to obtain this permission by requesting a license. You also need to download the Google Web Services Kit to ensure you follow the terms of the licensing agreement. The "Downloading and Installing the Kit" section of this chapter tells how to obtain the required permission and what this permission means to you.


You may find that Google Web Services is so indispensable that you'll want to work with Web services from other vendors . For example, Microsoft supports the MapPoint Web Service (http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/net/). In time, standards organizations will set up directories of these Web services that you can access with ease. In the meantime, you can search for companies that offer Web services using the Web Services Finder page at http://www.15seconds.com/WebService/. Some people have problems using the Web Services Finder; it might produce an error instead of presenting a list of Web services. In some cases, you'll need to use a specialty Web service list such as the one at http://www.flash-db.com/services/. The Web services on this site are special because many of them perform one task well, such as providing you with a location based on a domain name .

How Do Web Services Work?

Many people fear new technology because they don't understand how it works, and many of those who do know how it works enjoy the mystique of knowledge too much to share it with anyone else. Web services are actually quite easy to understand if you look at them in a way that relates the task to everyday occurrences. For example, you might compare the operation of a Web service to making a withdrawal at the bank ”the process really is the same. The one thing to remember is that the process a Web service uses to perform a task is always the same. No matter what technology you use to make a request or receive a response, the steps are still the same. Here are the steps that most Web services, including Google Web Services, use to complete a transaction.

  1. The client discovers the Web service . During the act of discovery, the client might do things like download a file that tells how to interact with the Web service. This step is the same as someone walking into the bank. The person knows the bank exists and the bank teller might have noticed the person. The bank posts the rules for making a withdrawal or the teller might help a first-time customer understand the rules.

  2. The client makes a request based on the rules delivered during the discovery phase . The rules might specify that the request has to appear in a certain form, and the client must provide specific data. This step is the same as the person walking up to the teller's window with a withdrawal request. The request must contain the person's account number, the amount they wish to withdraw, and other identifying information. The bank specifies the format of the request and the information it must contain.

  3. The server might ask the client for credentials depending on the openness of the Web service . Google Web Services is public but still requires that you supply a developer license (account) number as identification. This step is the same as the bank teller asking you for a driver's license or other form of identification before honoring your withdrawal request.

  4. The Web service performs the work required to honor your request . In most cases, the Web service accesses a database for information, it could enter an order, and it might even provide some level of formatting information about the original information (such as the typeface used for a word- processed document). Google Web Services performs a number of tasks depending on the request you make. The easiest request is a general search, but you can also perform checks such as making a spelling check. This step equates to the bank teller getting the money from the drawer and counting it.

  5. The Web service sends the data to the client . The content of the information depends on the Web service. Google Web Services provides data in a very specific format based on the content of the associated database and the nature of the request. This step equates to the teller handing the person their money. In general, the teller orders the money in a specific way and counts it out to the person, rather than simply handing the money over.

  6. The client logs out of the Web service or the Web service disconnects the client after some period of inactivity . This step equates to the person leaving the bank, money in hand. If the person doesn't leave the bank (they just hang out in the lobby), you can be sure that someone will ask them to leave.

  7. The client does something with the data it receives . In many cases, it formats the data and presents it on screen for the user. This step equates to the person spending the money they receive from the bank.

You can add any amount of complexity needed to the individual steps, but these seven steps define the process every Web server follows . When you break a Web service down into these seven steps, the process that used to appear as magic suddenly becomes quite doable. Chapters 5 through 9 are essentially options you can use to perform these seven steps using different technologies. This book explores the seven steps using various languages and platforms ”Google Web Services makes information available to just about anyone who needs it. However, it's important to remember that everything comes down to a client making a request and the Web server returning data.

Considering the Usage Requirements

There's no free lunch . Some people would have you believe that the Web service does everything for you and that the client does nothing at all. However, the client interacts with the Web service, which means the client must possess some intelligence to perform the task. To use a Web service, you must understand the usage requirements.

From a client perspective, the type of device you use to access the Web service determines the access speed, as well as what you can do with the data once you receive it. Although a PDA such as the Pocket PC can access Google Web Services just fine, you wouldn't want to use it to perform detailed searches or attempt complex activities such as converting data to another language. About the best you can hope for is to perform simple research. On the other hand, a desktop or laptop machine has all of the processing power, screen real estate, and functionality to perform any task. Google Web Services hasn't changed, but the capability of the client has.


This book discusses a number of mobile devices. The Pocket PC provides additional functionality and features that make it a better target for some types of applications than devices such as the Palm. On the other hand, most Palm devices are much easier to carry and cost less than the Pocket PC. This book examines the entire range of mobile devices to ensure you understand the limitations of using a specific device to access Google Web Services. I'm not saying one device is better than another ”simply that one device works better than the other for a given application.

Google Web Services also has some usage requirements and these requirements might change the way that you use your client. For example, according to the license agreement (see Appendix B for details) you can't make more than 1,000 requests per day ”at least, not without special permission. The request limitation ensures the Google servers won't become overloaded, but they also mean you must provide some type of monitoring in your application to prevent abuse of the licensing terms.


If you violate the licensing terms, Google Web Services simply denies your request. In addition, you might receive a message from Google requesting that you adhere to the terms of usage for the Web service.

Often, you can get around the licensing requirements for a Web service by using smart programming techniques. For example, Google doesn't require that you refresh the information you receive at any specific interval. You determine when the information you receive is too old. Using good caching techniques means that you can create applications that are lightning fast, unless the request is new or the data is old. Although it seems as if a 1,000-request limit could cause problems, you can usually satisfy far more than 1,000 requests per day by using smart data caching.

Mining Google Web Services
Mining Google Web Services: Building Applications with the Google API
ISBN: 0782143334
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157

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