

scalability, of software development, 8, 11, 23
semi-customized product model, 182, 185
separability , of software development, 7 “8
Shinde, 55
Sierra GSA
and e-commerce, 222
and end-users, 224
and identity, 215
and knowledge transfer, 240, 241
and recruitment, 242
and trust, 252
attitudes to knowledge, 138 “9
background, 135 “6
closes subsidiary, 144 “5
communication problems, 137 “8, 143 “4, 147
comparison with GlobTel GSAs, 152
development models, 136, 137, 141 “2, 146 “7
efficiency differences, 142 “3
final phase of GSA, 141 “5
growth phase of GSA, 136 “41, 146 “50
motivation for GSA, 136
organizational cultures, 139 “41, 143, 148 “50
subsidiary set up, 136, 145 “6
survey methods , 44, 46 “7
use of standardization, 211
Silicon Valley culture, 96, 97, 103 “4
Singapore, 12
size of firms, 4, 5 “6, 150, 152, 222, 224
SKA, 51
Smith, Adam, 64 “5
social and human issues, 8 “9, 11, 23
see also ethical code for GSAs, human resources management
Softsys, 43, 51
software development, 7 “8, 112, 240
software industry, effects of globalization, 28
space and place, 206, 218 “221
dialectical analysis of, 123 “131
distinction between, 112
space-based work, 35
transformation between, 113, 128
space “time distanciation, 206
space “time distinction, 113
Sri Lanka, 12
St Petersburg, 12, 17
stability, of organizational identity, 92
stabilization phase of GlobTel externalization, 54, 62 “3
and GDAs, 74 “5
and GlobTel “Witech GSA, 76 “81
and local practices, 130 “1
and space “place analysis, 129 “31
as control tool, 146, 253
difficulty of, 9
nature of, 64 “66
of human resource management, 38
of identity, 109
of individuals, 33 “4, 38, 217
of infrastructure, 75, 77
of knowledge, 76
of knowledge transfer, 37 “8
of management, 37, 69
of methodologies, 37
of processes, 75 “6, 77 “8
of skills, 71
quest for, 6
reactions to, 69
tensions in, 37 “38
theory and conclusions , 207 “8, 211 “14
standardized packages, 84
Capability Maturity Model, 13, 33, 76, 133, 243
for ethical management, 253
inscriptions of, 78, 81
ISO 9000, 33, 113, 163
People Capability Maturity Model, 243
redefinition of, 85 “86
superseding, 76
translation of, 76 “81, 83
see also standardization
structuration theory, 157 “8, 199 “201, 207
subsidiaries, 5, 184, 239, 250 “251
supplier countries , 12 “20
choosing, 21
future trends, 21 “22
overview, 12
see also individual countries
surveillance, 257
sweatshops, 254

Global IT outsourcing
Global IT Outsourcing: Software Development across Borders
ISBN: 0521039487
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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