About This Book

Since SAS/STAT software is a part of the SAS System, this book assumes that you are familiar with Base SAS software and with the books SAS Language Reference: Dictionary, SAS Language Reference: Concepts , and the SAS Procedures Guide . It also assumes that you are familiar with basic SAS System concepts such as creating SAS data sets with the DATA step and manipulating SAS data sets with the procedures in Base SAS software (for example, the PRINT and SORT procedures).

Chapter Organization

This book is organized as follows .

'What's New in SAS/STAT 9 and 9.1' provides information about the changes and enhancements to SAS/STAT software in SAS 9 and SAS 9.1. It describes several new procedures as well as numerous new features. SAS 9.1 features are indicated by a 9.1 icon in the margins of these pages.

Chapter 1, this chapter, provides an overview of SAS/STAT software and summarizes related information, products, and services. The next twelve chapters provide some introduction to the broad areas covered by SAS/STAT software.

Chapter 14, 'Using the Output Delivery System,' explains the fundamentals of using the Output Delivery System (ODS) to manage your SAS output. Chapter 15, 'Statistical Graphics Using ODS,' describes the experimental extension to ODS that enables a number of statistical procedures to create statistical graphics as easily as tables.

Subsequent chapters describe the SAS procedures that make up SAS/STAT software. These chapters appear in alphabetical order by procedure name and are organized as follows:

  • The 'Overview' section provides a brief description of the analysis provided by the procedure.

  • The 'Getting Started' section provides a quick introduction to the procedure through a simple example.

  • The 'Syntax' section describes the SAS statements and options that control the procedure.

  • The 'Details' section discusses methodology and miscellaneous details, such as ODS tables and ODS graphics.

  • The 'Examples' section contains examples using the procedure.

  • The 'References' section contains references for the methodology and for examples of the procedure.

Following the chapters on the SAS/STAT procedures, Appendix A, 'Special SAS Data Sets,' documents the special SAS data sets associated with SAS/STAT procedures.

Typographical Conventions

This book uses several type styles for presenting information. The following list explains the meaning of the typographical conventions used in this book:


is the standard type style used for most text.

UPPERCASE ROMAN is used for SAS statements, options, and other SAS language elements when they appear in the text. However, you can enter these elements in your own SAS programs in lowercase, uppercase, or a mixture of the two.

UPPERCASE BOLD is used in the 'Syntax' sections' initial lists of SAS statements and options.


is used for user -supplied values for options in the syntax definitions. In the text, these values are written in italic .


is used for the names of variables and data sets when they appear in the text.


is used to refer to matrices and vectors.


is used for terms that are defined in the text, for emphasis, and for references to publications .


is used for example code. In most cases, this book uses lowercase type for SAS code.

Options Used in Examples

Output of Examples

Most of the output shown in this book is produced with the following SAS System options:

  options linesize=80 pagesize=200 nonumber nodate;  

The template STATDOC.TPL is used to create the HTML output that appears in the online documentation. A style template controls stylistic HTML elements such as colors, fonts, and presentation attributes. The style template is specified in the ODS HTML statement as follows:

  ODS HTML style=statdoc;  

If you run the examples, you may get slightly different output. This is a function of the SAS System options used and the precision used by your computer for floatingpoint calculations.

Graphics Options

Some of the graphical output displayed in the examples is generated with the experimental ODS graphics system. Other examples use SAS/GRAPH software, including the GOPTIONS statement and PROC GPLOT. The rest of this section provides information on the specific set of options and symbol statements used to generate graphical output using SAS/GRAPH software.

The code you see in the examples creates the color graphics that appear in the online version of this book. A slightly different set of options and statements is used to create the black-and-white graphics that appear in the printed version of the book.

If you run the examples, you may get slightly different results. This may occur because not all graphic options for color devices translate directly to black-and-white output formats. For complete information on SAS/GRAPH software and graphics options, refer to SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference .

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the online (color) version of the graphic output.

  filename GSASFILE    '<file-specification>'    ;   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace   fileonly   transparency       dev     = gif   ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1   htext   = 4.0pct   htitle  = 4.5pct   hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in   noborder           cback   = white   horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;  

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the black-and-white version of the graphic output, which appears in the printed version of the manual.

  filename GSASFILE    '<file-specification>'    ;   goptions gsfname=GSASFILE   gsfmode =replace   gaccess = sasgaedt fileonly   dev     = pslepsf   ftext   = swiss    lfactor = 1   htext   = 3.0pct   htitle  = 3.5pct   hsize   = 5.625in  vsize   = 3.5in   border             cback   = white   horigin = 0in      vorigin = 0in ;  

In most of the online examples, the plot symbols are specified as follows:

  symbol1 value=dot color=white height=3.5pct;  

The SYMBOL n statements used in online examples order the symbol colors as follows: white, yellow, cyan, green, orange, blue, and black.

In the examples appearing in the printed manual, symbol statements specify COLOR=BLACK and order the plot symbols as follows: dot, square, triangle, circle, plus, x, diamond, and star.

The %PLOTIT Macro

Examples that use the %PLOTIT macro are generated by defining a special macro variable to specify graphics options. See Appendix B, 'Using the %PLOTIT Macro,' for details on the options specified in these examples.

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 1)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 156

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