
Example 1: Producing Text Slides

Procedure features:

  • PROC GSLIDE options:

    • BORDER

    • CFRAME=

    • WFRAME=

Other features:

  • NOTE statement

Sample library member: GSLTEXTS

click to expand

This example uses FOOTNOTE, NOTE, and TITLE statements to produce a text slide. PROC GSLIDE statement options add both a border and a frame.

Set the graphics environment.

 goptions reset=global gunit=pct cback=blue           colors=(white) ftext=swissb htitle=12 htext=4; 

Define titles and footnotes.

 title color=pink 'New Directions';  footnote1 j=l ' ABC Engineering, Inc';  footnote2 j=l ' January 1998'            j=r h=3 f=swiss 'GSLTEXTS '; 

Generate the slide and define additional text. BORDER draws a box around the entire graphics output area. CFRAME= draws a red box around the procedure output area. WFRAME= specifies the thickness of the frame. The first NOTE statement, which has no text, simply leaves a large blank line above the text specified by the second NOTE statement. The second JUSTIFY= causes a line break.

 proc gslide border              cframe=red              wframe=4;     note height=20;     note height=10          justify=center 'Goals and strategies'          justify=center 'for the coming year';  run;  quit; 

Example 2: Displaying Annotate Graphics

Procedure features:

  • PROC GSLIDE option:


Other features:

  • Annotate data set

Sample library member: GSLANNOT

click to expand

In this example, the GSLIDE procedure displays Annotate graphics along with current TITLE and FOOTNOTE definitions. See Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587 for information on creating Annotate data sets.

Set the graphics environment.

 goptions reset=global gunit=pct cback=white           colors=(black blue green red)           ftitle=swissb htitle=6 ftext=swiss htext=3; 

Create the Annotate data set, ART. ART contains the commands that draw the design of triangles .

 data art;     length function color style $ 8;     input function $ x y color $ style $;     xsys='5'; ysys='5';     datalines;  poly      30  20  blue   solid  polycont  50  20  .      .  polycont  40  50  .      .  poly      50  20  green  x1  polycont  70  50  .      .  polycont  60  50  .      .  poly      40  50  red    l1  polycont  60  50  .      .  polycont  50  80  .      .  ; 

Define title and footnotes displayed by the procedure. FOOTNOTE statements 4 and 5 have no text and are angled vertically to add space on the left and right sides between the border of the output and the frame that surrounds the procedure output area.

 title 'Number 17';  footnote1 h=4 '"Art is anything you can get away with."';  footnote2 j=r h=4 'D. H. Benson   ';  footnote3 j=r 'GSLANNOT ';  footnote4 h=3 angle=90;  footnote5 h=3 angle=-90; 

Display the annotate graphics on the slide with the title and footnotes. The GSLIDE procedure displays the graphics elements drawn by the commands in the Annotate data set specified by the ANNOTATE= option.

 proc gslide annotate=art              border              wframe=6              cframe=red;  run;  quit; 

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342

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