Using ODS Styles

You can use ODS styles to enhance the appearance of your graphical output. The styles provide a consistent look and visual theme, using color schemes, image files, enhanced fonts, transparency, shading, and other appearance enhancements, such as anti-aliasing. SAS provides a number of styles, and you can create your own, as described in the PROC TEMPLATE information in the SAS Output Delivery System: User s Guide .

click to expand
Display 16.1: Example of the Sketch Style

Note: ODS graph styles are available only with the Java and ActiveX devices and are not supported by the Contour Applet.

To use a style, specify the STYLE= option in an ODS statement that generates HTML output. To modify or create a new style, use the DEFINE STYLE statement in the TEMPLATE procedure.

Predefined graph styles have been developed for particular industries, businesses, or visual themes. Here are a few examples of style names :

  • Analysis

  • Astronomy

  • Banker

  • Blockprint

  • Curve

  • Education

  • Electronics

  • Money

  • Science

  • Statistical

  • Watercolor

To view the list of all styles available, run the following code:

 proc template;       list styles;  run; 

For more information on viewing the style definitions that are shipped with SAS software, see SAS Output Delivery System: User s Guide .

ODS styles act as a graphical stylesheet for standardization purposes. The visual enhancements that you can make with styles allow you tailor the appearance of your graphs to the needs of your presentation and your audience.

Note: Certain ODS styles map textures onto graph elements. For the Java devices, these textures can be applied to 2D rectangles only. Therefore, styles with textures cannot be applied to three-dimensional bar and pie charts in Java graphs.

For troubleshooting information on graph styles, see Table 23.1 on page 579.

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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