

I/O control
MODIFY statement 1322
IBESSEL function 583
IBM mainframe format
integer binary values in 196
packed decimal data in 199
positive integer binary values in 201
real binary data in 203
unsigned integer binary values in 198
unsigned packed decimal data in 200
unsigned zoned decimal data in 209
writing numeric data in 195
zoned decimal data 204
zoned decimal leading-sign data in 205
zoned decimal separate leading-sign data in 207
zoned decimal separate trailing-sign data in 208
IBM packed decimal data, reading 1000
IBRw.d format 159
IBRw.d informat 987
IBUFSIZE= system option 1537
IBw.d format 157
IBw.d informat 986
compared to S370FIBw.d informat 1019
ICOLUMN= argument, WINDOW statement 1425
IDXNAME= data set option 25
IDXWHERE= data set option 26
IEEE floating-point values 160
reading 989
IEEEw.d format 160
IF, THEN/ELSE statements 1214
compared to IF statement, subsetting 1212
IF statement, subsetting 1212
compared to DELETE statement 1138
IFC function 584
IFN function 586
sending in e-mail 1190
IML procedure
MODULEIN function in 350
importing transport data sets 1197
IN= data set option 28
INCLUDE command, compared to %INCLUDE statement 1219
%INCLUDE statement 1215
catalog entries with 1177
examples 1220
external files, including (example) 1220
including previously submitted lines (example) 1220
keyboard input, including (example) 1221
processing large amounts of data 1395
rules for using 1219
sources of data for 1219
with several entries in a single catalog (example) 1221
including programming statements and data lines 1216
incrementing values 603
INDEX= data set option 29
INDEX function 589
compared to INDEXC function 590
INDEXC function 590
indexed values
direct access by 1311
defining at data set creation 29
duplicate values 1311, 1320
optimizing WHERE expressions 25
overriding 26
shift indexes 604
WHERE expressions and 26
INDEXW function 591
LIBNAME statement 1286
_INFILE_ option
PUT statement 1344
INFILE statement 1229, 1240
INFILE statement 1222
compared to INPUT statement 1256
comparisons 1233
DBMS specifications 1230
delimited data, reading 1231
delimiters 1234
details 1230
encoding specification 1241
examples 1234
input buffer, accessing contents 1230
input buffer, accessing for multiple files 1240
input buffer, working with data 1239
missing values, list input 1235
multiple input files 1230, 1237
operating environment options 1230
options 1223
pointer location 1238
reading long instream data records 1232
reading past the end of a line 1232
short records 1235
truncating copied records 1238
updating external files in place 1230, 1238
variable-length records, reading 1236
variable-length records, scanning 1236
informat decimal values, returning 895
arguments 896
variables 895
informat names , returning 897
arguments 898
variables 897
INFORMAT= option
ATTRIB statement 1110
INFORMAT statement 1242
specifying informats with 931
informat width, returning 899
arguments 900
variables 899
informats 930, 939
ambiguous data 1504
associating with variables 1109, 1242
byte ordering 933
categories of 939
integer binary notation 934
name length 1623
permanent 932
reading results of expressions 593
reading unaligned data with 1271
returning 873, 894, 901
specifying 931
specifying, with ATTRIB statement 932
specifying, with INFORMAT statement 931
specifying, with INPUT function 931
specifying, with INPUT statement 931
specifying at run time 594, 596
syntax 930
temporary 932
user -defined 932
INITCMD system option 1539
INITSTMT= system option 1540
as card images 1487
assigning to variables 1246
column 1250, 1261
describing format of 1246
end-of-data indicator 1328
error detection levels 1507
formatted 1251, 1263
invalid data 1255, 1302
list 1251
list input 1267
listing for current session 1295
logging 1295
missing records 1302
missing values 1306
named 1251, 1273
resynchronizing 1302
sequence field, length of numeric portion 1597
uppercasing 1486
input buffer
accessing, for multiple files 1240
accessing contents 1230
working with data in 1239
input column 1264
input data
reading past the end of a line 1232
input data sets
data set options with 6
redirecting 1374
input files
reading multiple files 1230, 1237
truncating copied records 1238
INPUT function 593
specifying informats with 931
INPUT statement 593, 1246
arguments 1222
column 1261
compared to INPUT function 593
compared to PUT statement 1351
formatted 1263
identifying file to be read 1222
named 1273
specifying informats with 931
INPUT statement, column 1261
INPUT statement, formatted 1263
INPUT statement, list 1267
details 1268
examples 1270
INPUT statement, named 1273
INPUTC function 594
compared to INPUTN function 596
INPUTN function 595, 596
compared to INPUTC function 595
instream data
reading long records 1232
INT function 598
INTCK function 599
integer binary data
byte ordering 75
IBM mainframe format 196
notation and programming languages 76
integer binary data, reading
IBM mainframe format 1019, 1024
integer binary notation 934
integer binary values
DEC format 159
Intel format 159
reading in Intel and DEC formats 987
writing 157
integer binary values, reading 986, 1007
Intel format
integer binary values in 159
positive integer binary values in 188
reading integer binary values in 987
reading positive integer binary values in 1008
interleaving data sets
SET statement for 1401, 1402
internal rate of return 608
as fraction 608
as percentage 613
internal SAS processing transactions 1462
INTNX function
aligning date output 606
details 604
examples 606
multipliers 604
shift indexes 604
time intervals 604
INTRR function 613
compared to IRR function 613
INTZ function 609
invalid data
numeric 1541
INVALIDDATA= system option 1541
inverse Gaussian (Wald) distributions 495
IOM server method
processing information 1464
_IORC_ automatic variable
MODIFY statement and 1312
_IORC_ variable
formatted error messages for 610
IORCMSG function 610
IQR function 612
IROW= argument, WINDOW statement 1426
IS system option 1540

SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Year: 2004
Pages: 704 © 2008-2017.
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