

BAND function 329
base 3
batch mode 1477
batch processing
error handling 1525
BATCH system option 1477
BCC= option
FILENAME statement 1182
BELL argument, DISPLAY statement 1140
Bernoulli distributions 419, 493
cumulative distribution functions 419
probability density functions 696
bessel function, returning value of 583, 613
BESTw. format 113
compared to Dw. format 118
beta distributions 330
cumulative distribution functions 420
probabilities from 717
probability density functions 697
quantiles 330
BETA function 329
BETAINV function 330
big endian platforms
byte ordering 75
big endian platforms, byte ordering on 933
bin specification, for printed output 1581
bin specification, for sending paper to printer 1583
binary data
converting character data to 94
converting numeric data to 114
binary data, converting to
character 947
integers 971
BINARY option
FILENAME statement, FTP access method 1191
binary zeros, converting to blanks 951
$BINARYw. format 94
BINARYw. format 114
$BINARYw. informat 947
BINARYw.d informat 971
binding edge 1478
BINDING= system option 1478
binomial distributions 366, 421, 494
cumulative distribution functions 421
probabilities from 718
probability density functions 697
random numbers 366, 764
bits, extracting 972
BITSw.d informat 972
bitwise logical operations
AND 329
NOT 332
OR 332
shift left 331
shift right 333
bivariate normal distribution
probability computed from 719
BLANK argument, DISPLAY statement 1140
_BLANKPAGE_ option, PUT statement 1346
blanks 448
compressing 448, 460
converting binary zeros to 951
converting to zeros 973
trimming trailing 862, 864
BLKSIZE= option
FILE statement 1156
INFILE statement 1223
FILENAME statement, FTP access method 1191
FILENAME statement, SOCKET access 1200
BLSHIFT function 331
BNOT function 332
bookmarks 548
finding 716
setting 548
BOR function 332
BOTTOMMARGIN= system option 1479
BREAK command
DATA step debugger 1675
BRSHIFT function 333
number for data sets 1480
number for processing data sets 11
page buffers for catalogs 1489
page size and 12
permanent page size 12
size of 1482
view buffer size 38
buffers, allocating
SASFILE statement 1389
BUFNO= data set option 11
BUFNO= system option 1480
BUFSIZE= data set option 12
BUFSIZE= system option 1482
BXOR function 334
BY- group processing
SET statement for 1401
BY lines
printing 1484
BY statement 1112
BY values
duplicates, MODIFY statement 1310
BY variables
customizing titles with 1410
BYE command, compared to ENDSAS statement 1153
BYERR system option 1483
compared with DSNFERR system option 1515
BYLINE system option 1484
BYSORTED system option 1485
BYTE function 334
byte ordering 933
for integer binary data 75
BZw.d informat 973
compared to w.d informat 1041

SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Year: 2004
Pages: 704 © 2008-2017.
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