Chapter 19: Informats under Windows

SAS Informats under Windows

A SAS informat is an instruction or template that SAS uses to read data values into a variable. Most SAS informats are described completely in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary . The informats that are described here have behavior that is specific to SAS under Windows.

Many of the SAS informats that have details specific to the Windows operating environment are used to read binary data. In using these informats, it is important that you understand the concepts that are presented in 'Reading Binary Data' on page 413.

If you have informats that you created for use in earlier releases of SAS, see 'Converting User-Written Informats from Earlier Releases to SAS 9.1' on page 414 for information about how to convert those informats for use with SAS 9.1.

SAS 9.1 Companion for Windows
SAS 9.1 Companion for Windows (2 Volumes)
ISBN: 1590472004
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 187 © 2008-2017.
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