Table of Contents

sas 9.1 companion for unix environments
SAS 9.1 Companion for UNIX Environments
by SAS Institute   ISBN:1590472101
SAS Publishing © 2004 (435 pages)

This valuable reference tool describes the features of the SAS language and SAS interface that are available only on UNIX or that behave differently on UNIX than on other platforms.

Table of Contents
SAS 9.1 Companion for UNIX Environments
What's New
Part 1 - Running SAS Software Under UNIX
Chapter 1 - Getting Started with SAS in UNIX Environments
Chapter 2 - Working in the SAS Windowing Environment
Chapter 3 - Customizing the SAS Windowing Environment
Chapter 4 - Using SAS Files
Chapter 5 - Using External Files and Devices
Chapter 6 - Printing and Routing Output
Chapter 7 - Accessing Shared Executable Libraries From SAS
Part 2 - Application Considerations
Chapter 8 - Data Representation
Part 3 - Host-Specific Features of the SAS Language
Chapter 9 - Commands Under UNIX
Chapter 10 - Data Set Options Under UNIX
Chapter 11 - Formats Under Unix
Chapter 12 - Functions and CALL Routines Under UNIX
Chapter 13 - Informats Under UNIX
Chapter 14 - Macro Facility Under UNIX
Chapter 15 - Procedures Under Unix
Chapter 16 - Statements Under Unix
Chapter 17 - System Options Under UNIX
Part 4 - Appendices
Appendix 1 - The !SASROOT Directory
Appendix 2 - Tools for the System Administrator
Appendix 3 - Using SSL in UNIX Environments
Appendix 4 - SAS Releases in UNIX Environments
Appendix 5 - Recommended Reading
List of Displays
List of Tables
List of Outputs

SAS 9.1 Companion for UNIX Environments
SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments
ISBN: 1590472101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 185
Authors: SAS Institute © 2008-2017.
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