

packed decimal data 233, 259
page size
for output SAS data set buffer 225, 320
PAGENO= system option 167
PAGESIZE= system option 166, 167, 350
batch settings 318
assigning to SAS files 224, 227
for decrypting private keys 375
paste buffers 91
manipulating text 92
selecting 92
submitting code from 212
pasting text 44, 91
patchname command 401
PATH system option 351
PATHNAME function 254
pathnames 133
character substitutions in 114
specifying 114
pattern resources 97
pausing execution
DBMS processes 27
SAS processes 26
SAS sessions 23
PDw.d format 233
PDw.d informat 259
PEEKCLONG function 178, 255
accessing returned pointer 189
PEEKLONG function 177, 255
amount of real memory available 353
out-of-resource conditions 321
shared libraries 178
SORT procedure, memory available for 369
sorting method, influenced by data set size 365
sorting method, influenced by number of observations 364
writing all statistics to log 331, 376
writing some statistics to log 376, 377
X synchronization
PIBw.d format 233
PIBw.d informat 259
PIPE device type 150, 162
printing large files 164
sending output directly to printer 160
data to/from UNIX commands 141, 159, 162
writing data from external files 9, 123
PL/I language formats 183
PMENU procedure 280
pmenu resources 91
positive integer binary values 233, 259
Postscript output 164
precision of numeric variables 197
Preferences dialog box
customizing X resources 57
invoking 207
modifying DMS settings 58
modifying Editing settings 59
modifying General settings 58
modifying Results settings 60
modifying ToolBox settings 60
opening 57
options 58
previewing output 154
PRINT command 159
Print dialog box
printing from GRAPH windows 158
printing from text windows 157
PRINT fileref 141
print files
specifying 159
PRINT= option
PROC PRINTTO statement 162
PRINT system option 163, 352
PRINTCMD system option 164, 352
printer devices
routing output to 162
PRINTER devices
sending output to 136
printing output 136, 154
commands and settings for 341, 352
default routings, changing 155
destination for 165, 379
large files with PIPE device type 164
Print dialog box 157
print server errors 158, 159
PRINTTO procedure 161
PRINTTO procedure 281
UNIX 161
private keys
definition 404
for digital certificates 374, 375
procedure output
content and appearance 165, 166
copying procedure output files 315
destination for 163, 352
footnotes 297
number of lines per page 350
routing directory to printer 160
routing output from 155, 162
title lines 308
allocating memory for requests 343
under UNIX 269
PRTFILE command 159
pstext command (UNIX) 164
public keys 404
pull-down menus 91
PUT statements
output file for 291
specifying e-mail directives 146
PW= data set option 227

SAS 9.1 Companion for UNIX Environments
SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments
ISBN: 1590472101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 185
Authors: SAS Institute © 2008-2017.
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