Appendix F. VB 6 Language Elements Not Supported by VB.NET


This appendix provides an alphabetical list of language elements that are present in VB 6 but are not supported by VB.NET.



Array function

Returns a variant array whose elements contain the values passed as arguments to the function

AscB function

Returns an integer representing the character code of the first byte of a string

Atn function

Returns the arctangent of a number; replaced by the Atan method in the System.Math class

Calendar property

Determines whether a project should use the Gregorian or Hijri calendar

CCur function

Converts an expression into a Currency data type

ChrB function

Returns the character corresponding to an 8-bit character code

Close statement

Closes a file opened with the Open statement

CVar function

Converts an expression into a Variant data type

CVDate function

Returns a Date variant

CVErr function

Returns an error from a procedure

Date, Date$ functions

Return the current system date

Date statement

Sets the current system date


Sends output to the Immediate window

DefBool statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Boolean

DefByte statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Byte

DefCur statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Currency

DefDate statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Date

DefDbl statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Double

DefDec statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Decimal

DefInt statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Integer

DefLng statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Long

DefObj statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Object

DefSng statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Single

DefStr statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as String

DefVar statement

Defines all otherwise undeclared variables beginning with particular alphabetical characters as Variant

Eqv operator

Represents a logical equivalence operator

Error function

Returns a standard description of a particular error code

Get statement

Retrieves data from a disk file into a program variable

GoSub...Return statement

Passes execution to and returns from a subroutine within a procedure

IMEStatus function

Returns the state of the Input Method Editor

Imp operator

Represents a logical implication operator

Initialize event

Fires when an object is first used

Input, Input$, InputB, InputB$ functions

Reads a designated number of characters from a file opened in input or binary mode

Instancing property

Defines how instances of a class are created

InStrB function

Returns the position of a particular byte in a binary string

IsEmpty function

Determines if a variable has been initialized

IsMissing function

Determines whether an argument has been passed to a procedure

IsNull function

Indicates whether an expression contains Null data

IsObject function

Indicates whether a variable contains a reference to an object

LeftB, LeftB$ functions

Returns the leftmost n bytes of binary data

LenB function

Returns the actual size of a user -defined type in memory

Let statement

Assigns the value of an expression to a variable

Load statement

Loads a form or control

LoadResData function

Extracts a string containing a resource included in a resource project

LoadResPicture function

Assigns a graphic from a resource file to the Picture property of an object

LoadResString function

Retrieves a string from a resource file

MidB, MidB$ functions

Returns a specified number of bytes from a larger binary string

MidB statement

Replaces a specified number of bytes in a binary string

MTSTransactionMode property

Indicates whether a component is an MTS object and, if so, determines its level of transaction support

Name statement

Renames a disk file or directory

ObjPtr function

Returns a pointer to an object

On...GoSub statement

Causes program execution to jump to a subroutine based on the value of a control variable

On...Goto statement

Causes program execution to jump to a label based on the value of a control variable

Open statement

Opens a file

Option Base statement

Defines the default lower bound for arrays dimensioned within a module

Option Private Module statement

Restricts the scope and visibility of a module to the module's project

Persistable property

Determines whether a class in an ActiveX DLL project can be saved to disk

Property Set statement

Declares a procedure that assigns an object reference to a property

Put statement

Writes data from a program variable to a disk file

Right, Right$ functions

Returns the rightmost bytes from a binary string

Set statement

Assigns an object reference to a variable

Sgn function

Determines the sign of a number

Sqr function

Calculates the square root of a number

String function

Creates a string composed of a single character repeated a given number of times

StrPtr function

Returns a pointer to a BSTR (Visual Basic string)

Terminate event

Fired when an object is destroyed

Time function

Returns the current system time

Time statement

Sets the current system time

Type statement

Defines a user-defined type

Unload statement

Removes a form or a dynamically created member of a control array from memory

Width# statement

Specifies a virtual file width when working with files opened with the Open statement

VarPtr function

Returns a pointer to a variable


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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