Section A.3. Obsolete Programming Elements


A.3 Obsolete Programming Elements

The following list shows some of the programming elements that have been removed from Visual Basic .NET:

As Any

All parameters are required to have a declared data type.

Atn function

Replaced by System.Math.Atan.

Calendar property

Handled by classes in the System.Globalization namespace.

Circle statement

Use methods in the System.Drawing namespace.

Currency data type

Replaced by the Decimal data type.

Date function

Replaced by the Today property of the DateTime structure in the System namespace.

Date statement

Replaced by the Today statement.

Debug.Assert method

Replaced by the Assert method of the Debug class of the System.Diagonistics namespace.

Debug.Print method

Replaced by the Write and WriteLine methods of the Debug class of the System.Diagonistics namespace.

Deftype statements

Not supported.

DoEvents function

Replaced by the DoEvents method of the Application class in System. Windows.Forms namespace.

Empty keyword

Replaced by the Nothing keyword.

Eqv operator

Use the equal sign.

GoSub statement

Not supported.

Imp operator

A Imp B is logically equivalent to (Not A) Or B .

Initialize event

Replaced by the constructor method.

Instancing property

Use the constructor to specify instancing.

IsEmpty function

Not supported because the Empty keyword is not supported.

IsMissing function

Not supported because every optional parameter must declare a default value.

IsNull function

Not supported. The Null keyword is replaced by Nothing .

IsObject function

Replaced by the IsReference function.

Let statement

Not supported.

Line statement

Use the DrawLine method of the Graphics class in the System.Drawing namespace.

Null keyword

Use Nothing.

On ... GoSub construction

Not supported. No direct replacement.

On ... GoTo construction

Not supported. No direct replacement. On Error... is still supported, however.

Option Base statement

Not supported. All arrays have lower bound equal to 0.

Option Private Module statement

Use access modifiers in each individual Module statement.

PropertyGet, PropertyLet, and PropertySet statements

Replaced by a new unified syntax for defining properties.

PSet method

Not supported. No direct replacement. See the System.Drawing namespace.

Round function

Use the Round method of the Math class of the System namespace.

Scale method

Not supported. No direct replacement. See the System.Drawing namespace.

Set statement

Not supported.

Sgn function

Use Math.Sign.

Sqr function

Use Math.Sqrt.

String function

Use the String class constructor with parameters.

Terminate event

Use the Destroy method.

Time function and statement

Instead of the Time function, use the TimeOfDay method of the DateTime structure of the System namespace. Instead of the Time statement, use the TimeOfDay statement.

Type statement

Use the Structure statement.

Variant data type

Use the Object data type.

VarType function

Use the TypeName function or the GetType method of the Object class.

Wend keyword

Replaced by End While .


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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