MyBase Keyword

MyBase Keyword




Provides a reference to the base class from within a derived class. If you want to call a member of the base class from within a derived class, you can use the syntax:

 MyBase.   MemberName   

where MemberName is the name of the member. This will resolve any ambiguity if the derived class also has a member of the same name .

Rules at a Glance

  • MyBase will call through the chain of inherited classes until it finds a callable implementation. For example, in the code:

     Public Class CTestClass ... End Class Public Class CTestClass2    Inherits CTestClass    Public Function ShowType(  ) As Type       Return Mybase.GetType    End Function End Class 

    the call to ShowType is eventually resolved as a call to Object.GetType, since all classes are ultimately derived from the Object class.

  • MyBase cannot be used to call Private class members .

  • MyBase cannot be used to call base class members marked as MustOverride .

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • MyBase is commonly used to call back into the overridden member from the member that overrides it in the derived class.

  • The MyBase keyword can be used to call the constructor of the base class to instantiate a member of that class, as in:


VB.NET/VB 6 Differences

The MyBase keyword is new to VB.NET.


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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