

Read Data permission, 268
Read Design permission, 268, 279, 280, 369, 394
reading resources
backing up and recovering databases, 158 “59
database options and attributes, 79
encryption and database passwords, 305
general information, 19 “20
good programming practices, 105 “7
object protection and security, 399 “400
operating system, protecting and securing database with, 449 “500
protecting database with menus and toolbars , 229 “31
startup options, 47
user and object surveillance, 193 “95
workgroup security, 282 “84, 360 “61
Read-Only group , 438
read-only permission, 310, 316
allowing for ubiquitous users, 315 “17
applying to shortcut files, 437
form-based read-only mode, 317
making table a read-only system table, 75 “76
setting up read-only group, 438
Recently Used File List option, 52, 54 “56
RecordSet property, 377
RecordSource property, 373, 376, 377, 394, 395
recovering databases. See backing up and recovering databases
References command, 393
relinking software, implementing, 95
remote queries
using in normal development, 373 “74
when require additional VBA coding, 374 “75
Remove Personal Information option, 52
Debug button, 101 “2
permissions granted to Full Data Users group, 375
permissions granted to ubiquitous Users group, 367, 375
personal information, 56 “57
renaming user and security commands, 254 “55
Repair option, 124
integrating menus into, 212 “24
adding custom toolbars and shortcut menus to all forms, 213 “18
menu and toolbar startup options, 218 “24
overview, 212 “13
protecting by using VBA code, 381
resources. See reading resources
Restricted User option, 414
computer name , 187 “88, 189 “90
objects by using hidden methods , 141 “42
user roster by using VBA code, 166 “69
Windows user ID, 187 “89
workgroup user name, 187 “88, 190 “91
Rice, Frank, 283
rptGR8_UserLogs report, 181, 183 “84
Run Permissions properties, 358
RWOP (Read with Owner Permissions) queries, 357 “58, 374 “76

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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