Using the CrashHandler API

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In the reusable module BUGSLAYERUTIL.DLL, I wrote the CrashHandler API, which you can use to limit your crash handler to a specific module or modules. The way that I limit your crash handler is that all exceptions pass through an unhandled exception filter that I set. When my unhandled exception filter is called, I check the module that the exception came from. If the exception is from one of the modules requested, I call your crash handler, but if it's from a module outside those requested, I call the unhandled exception filter I replaced. Calling the replaced exception filter means that multiple modules can use my CrashHandler API without stepping on one another. You can see all the CrashHandler API functions in Listing 9-5.


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Debugging Applications" (Microsoft Press) Copyright (c) 1997-2000 John Robbins -- All rights reserved. CONDITIONAL COMPILATION : WORK_AROUND_SRCLINE_BUG - Define this symbol to work around the SymGetLineFromAddr bug; this bug causes PDB file lookups to fail after the first lookup. This bug is fixed in DBGHELP.DLL, but I still keep the workaround for users who might need to use the old IMAGEHLP.DLL versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pch.h" #include "BugslayerUtil.h" #include "CrashHandler.h" // The project internal header file #include "Internal.h" /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File Scope Defines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // The maximum symbol size handled in the module #define MAX_SYM_SIZE 256 #define BUFF_SIZE 1024 #define SYM_BUFF_SIZE 512 /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File Scope Global Variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // The custom unhandled exception filter (crash handler) static PFNCHFILTFN g_pfnCallBack = NULL ; // The original unhandled exception filter static LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER g_pfnOrigFilt = NULL ; // The array of modules to limit crash handler to static HMODULE * g_ahMod = NULL ; // The size, in items, of g_ahMod static UINT g_uiModCount = 0 ; // The static buffer returned by various functions. This buffer // allows data to be transferred without using the stack. static TCHAR g_szBuff [ BUFF_SIZE ] ; // The static symbol lookup buffer static BYTE g_stSymbol [ SYM_BUFF_SIZE ] ; // The static source file and line number structure static IMAGEHLP_LINE g_stLine ; // The stack frame used in walking the stack static STACKFRAME g_stFrame ; // The flag indicating that the symbol engine has been initialized static BOOL g_bSymEngInit = FALSE ; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File Scope Function Declarations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // The exception handler LONG __stdcall CrashHandlerExceptionFilter ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) ; // Converts a simple exception to a string value LPCTSTR ConvertSimpleException ( DWORD dwExcept ) ; // The internal function that does all the stack walking LPCTSTR __stdcall InternalGetStackTraceString ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ); // The internal SymGetLineFromAddr function BOOL InternalSymGetLineFromAddr ( IN HANDLE hProcess , IN DWORD dwAddr , OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement , OUT PIMAGEHLP_LINE Line ); // Initializes the symbol engine if needed void InitSymEng ( void ) ; // Cleans up the symbol engine if needed void CleanupSymEng ( void ) ; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Destructor Class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ // See the note in MEMDUMPVALIDATOR.CPP about automatic classes. // Turn off warning: initializers put in library initialization area #pragma warning (disable : 4073) #pragma init_seg(lib) class CleanUpCrashHandler { public : CleanUpCrashHandler ( void ) { } ~CleanUpCrashHandler ( void ) { // Are there any outstanding memory allocations? if ( NULL != g_ahMod ) { VERIFY ( HeapFree ( GetProcessHeap ( ) , 0 , g_ahMod ) ) ; g_ahMod = NULL ; } if ( NULL != g_pfnOrigFilt ) { // Restore the original unhandled exception filter. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter ( g_pfnOrigFilt ) ; } } } ; // The static class static CleanUpCrashHandler g_cBeforeAndAfter ; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Crash Handler Function Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ BOOL __stdcall SetCrashHandlerFilter ( PFNCHFILTFN pFn ) { // A NULL parameter unhooks the callback. if ( NULL == pFn ) { if ( NULL != g_pfnOrigFilt ) { // Restore the original unhandled exception filter. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter ( g_pfnOrigFilt ) ; g_pfnOrigFilt = NULL ; if ( NULL != g_ahMod ) { free ( g_ahMod ) ; g_ahMod = NULL ; } g_pfnCallBack = NULL ; } } else { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadCodePtr ( (FARPROC)pFn ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadCodePtr ( (FARPROC)pFn ) ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } g_pfnCallBack = pFn ; // If a custom crash handler isn't already in use, enable // CrashHandlerExceptionFilter and save the original unhandled // exception filter. if ( NULL == g_pfnOrigFilt ) { g_pfnOrigFilt = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( CrashHandlerExceptionFilter ); } } return ( TRUE ) ; } BOOL __stdcall AddCrashHandlerLimitModule ( HMODULE hMod ) { // Check the obvious cases. ASSERT ( NULL != hMod ) ; if ( NULL == hMod ) { return ( FALSE ) ; }__ // Allocate a temporary array. This array must be allocated from // memory that's guaranteed to be around even if the process is // toasting. If the process is toasting, the RTL heap probably isn't // safe, so I allocate the temporary array from the process heap. HMODULE * phTemp = (HMODULE*) HeapAlloc ( GetProcessHeap ( ) , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY | HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS , ( sizeof ( HMODULE ) * ( g_uiModCount+1 ) ) ) ; ASSERT ( NULL != phTemp ) ; if ( NULL == phTemp ) { TRACE0 ( "Serious trouble in the house! _ " "HeapAlloc failed!!!\n" ); return ( FALSE ) ; } if ( NULL == g_ahMod ) { g_ahMod = phTemp ; g_ahMod[ 0 ] = hMod ; g_uiModCount++ ; } else { // Copy the old values. CopyMemory ( phTemp , g_ahMod , sizeof ( HMODULE ) * g_uiModCount ) ; // Free the old memory. VERIFY ( HeapFree ( GetProcessHeap ( ) , 0 , g_ahMod ) ) ; g_ahMod = phTemp ; g_ahMod[ g_uiModCount ] = hMod ; g_uiModCount++ ; } return ( TRUE ) ; } UINT __stdcall GetLimitModuleCount ( void ) { return ( g_uiModCount ) ; } int __stdcall GetLimitModulesArray ( HMODULE * pahMod , UINT uiSize ) { int iRet ; __try { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( pahMod , uiSize * sizeof ( HMODULE ) ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( pahMod , uiSize * sizeof ( HMODULE ) ) ) { iRet = GLMA_BADPARAM ;  __leave ; } if ( uiSize < g_uiModCount ) { iRet = GLMA_BUFFTOOSMALL ;  __leave ; } CopyMemory ( pahMod , g_ahMod , sizeof ( HMODULE ) * g_uiModCount ) ; iRet = GLMA_SUCCESS ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { iRet = GLMA_FAILURE ; } return ( iRet ) ; } LONG __stdcall CrashHandlerExceptionFilter ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExPtrs ) { LONG lRet = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ; // If the exception is an EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW, there isn't much // you can do because the stack is blown. If you try to do anything, // the odds are great that you'll just double-fault and bomb right // out of your exception filter. Although I don't recommend doing so, // you could play some games with the stack register an // manipulate it so that you could regain enough space to run these // functions. Of course, if you did change the stack register, you'd // have problems walking the stack. // I take the safe route and make some calls to OutputDebugString here. // I still might double-fault, but because OutputDebugString does very // little on the stack (something like 8-16 bytes), it's worth a // shot. You can have your users download Mark Russinovich's // DebugView/Enterprise Edition ( so that they can // at least tell you what they see. // The only problem is that I can't even be sure there's enough // room on the stack to convert the instruction pointer. // Fortunately, EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW doesn't happen very often. // Note that I still call your crash handler. I'm doing the logging // work here in case the blown stack kills your crash handler. if ( EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode ) { OutputDebugString ( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" ) ; OutputDebugString ( "EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW occurred\n" ) ; OutputDebugString ( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" ) ; } __try { if ( NULL != g_pfnCallBack ) { // The symbol engine has to be initialized here so that // I can look up the base module information for the // crash address as well as get the symbol engine // ready. InitSymEng ( ) ; // Check the g_ahMod list. BOOL bCallIt = FALSE ; if ( 0 == g_uiModCount ) { bCallIt = TRUE ; } else { HINSTANCE hBaseAddr = (HINSTANCE) SymGetModuleBase ((HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , (DWORD)pExPtrs-> ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionAddress ) ; if ( NULL != hBaseAddr ) { for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < g_uiModCount ; i ++ ) { if ( hBaseAddr == g_ahMod[ i ] ) { bCallIt = TRUE ; break ; } } } } if ( TRUE == bCallIt ) { // Check that the crash handler still exists in memory // before I call it. The user might have forgotten to // unregister, and the crash handler is invalid because // it got unloaded. If some other function loaded // back into the same address, however, there isn't much // I can do. ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadCodePtr( (FARPROC)g_pfnCallBack ) ); if ( FALSE == IsBadCodePtr ( (FARPROC)g_pfnCallBack ) ) { lRet = g_pfnCallBack ( pExPtrs ) ; } } else { // Call the previous filter but only after it checks // out. I'm just being a little paranoid. ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadCodePtr( (FARPROC)g_pfnOrigFilt ) ); if ( FALSE == IsBadCodePtr ( (FARPROC)g_pfnOrigFilt ) ) { lRet = g_pfnOrigFilt ( pExPtrs ) ; } } CleanupSymEng ( ) ; } } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { lRet = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ; } return ( lRet ) ; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXCEPTION_POINTER Translation Functions Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ LPCTSTR __stdcall GetFaultReason ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) { TRACE0 ( "Bad parameter to GetFaultReasonA\n" ) ; return ( NULL ) ; } // The variable that holds the return value LPCTSTR szRet ; __try { // Initialize the symbol engine in case it isn't initialized. InitSymEng ( ) ; // The current position in the buffer int iCurr = 0 ; // A temporary value holder. This holder keeps the stack usage to a // minimum. DWORD dwTemp ; iCurr += BSUGetModuleBaseName ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , NULL , g_szBuff , BUFF_SIZE ) ; iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " caused an " ) ) ; dwTemp = (DWORD) ConvertSimpleException ( pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionCode ); if ( NULL != dwTemp ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s" ) , dwTemp ) ; } else { iCurr += ( FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, GetModuleHandle (_T("NTDLL.DLL") ) , pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionCode, 0 , g_szBuff + iCurr , BUFF_SIZE , 0 ) * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) ; } ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE - MAX_PATH ) ) ; iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " in module " ) ) ; dwTemp = SymGetModuleBase ( (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , (DWORD)pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionAddress ) ; ASSERT ( NULL != dwTemp ) ; if ( NULL == dwTemp ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "<UNKNOWN>" ) ); } else { iCurr += BSUGetModuleBaseName ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , (HINSTANCE)dwTemp , g_szBuff + iCurr , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr ) ; } #ifdef _WIN64 iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " at %016X" ) , pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress ); #else iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " at %04X:%08X" ) , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegCs , pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress ); #endif ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE _ 200 ) ) ; // Start looking up the exception address. PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL pSym = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)&g_stSymbol ; FillMemory ( pSym , NULL , SYM_BUFF_SIZE ) ; pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ; pSym->MaxNameLength = SYM_BUFF_SIZE - sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ); DWORD dwDisp ; if ( TRUE == SymGetSymFromAddr ( (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , (DWORD)pExPtrs->ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionAddress , &dwDisp , pSym ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( ", " ) ) ; // Copy no more of the symbol information than there's // room for. dwTemp = lstrlen ( pSym->Name ) ; // Make sure there's enough room for the longest symbol // and the displacement. if ( (int)dwTemp > ( ( BUFF_SIZE _ iCurr ) - ( MAX_SYM_SIZE + 50 ) ) ) { lstrcpyn ( g_szBuff + iCurr , pSym->Name , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr - 1 ) ; // Gotta leave now szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } else { if ( dwDisp > 0 ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s()+%04d byte(s)" ), pSym->Name , dwDisp ) ; } else { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s " ) , pSym->Name ) ; } } } else { // If the symbol wasn't found, the source and line won't // be found either, so leave now. szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE _ 200 ) ) ; // Look up the source file and line number. ZeroMemory ( &g_stLine , sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ) ; g_stLine.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ; if ( TRUE == InternalSymGetLineFromAddr ( (HANDLE) GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , (DWORD)pExPtrs-> ExceptionRecord-> ExceptionAddress , &dwDisp , &g_stLine ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( ", " ) ) ; // Copy no more of the source file and line number // information than there's room for. dwTemp = lstrlen ( g_stLine.FileName ) ; if ( (int)dwTemp > ( BUFF_SIZE - iCurr _ MAX_PATH _ 50 ) ) { lstrcpyn ( g_szBuff + iCurr , g_stLine.FileName , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr - 1 ) ; // Gotta leave now szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } else { if ( dwDisp > 0 ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T("%s, line %04d+%04d byte(s)"), g_stLine.FileName , g_stLine.LineNumber , dwDisp ) ; } else { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s, line %04d" ), g_stLine.FileName , g_stLine.LineNumber ) ; } } } szRet = g_szBuff ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ASSERT ( !"Crashed in GetFaultReason" ) ; szRet = NULL ; } return ( szRet ) ; } BOOL __stdcall GetFaultReasonVB ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs , LPTSTR szBuff , UINT uiSize ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } LPCTSTR szRet ; __try { szRet = GetFaultReason ( pExPtrs ) ; ASSERT ( NULL != szRet ) ; if ( NULL == szRet ) {  __leave ; } lstrcpyn ( szBuff , szRet , min ( (UINT)lstrlen ( szRet ) + 1, uiSize ) ) ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szRet = NULL ; } return ( NULL != szRet ) ; } LPCTSTR BUGSUTIL_DLLINTERFACE __stdcall GetFirstStackTraceString ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) { // All the error checking is in the InternalGetStackTraceString // function. // Initialize the STACKFRAME structure. ZeroMemory ( &g_stFrame , sizeof ( STACKFRAME ) ) ; #ifdef _X86_ g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset = pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Eip ; g_stFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; g_stFrame.AddrStack.Offset = pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Esp ; g_stFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; g_stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Ebp ; g_stFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; #else g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset = (DWORD)pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Fir ; g_stFrame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; g_stFrame.AddrReturn.Offset = (DWORD)pExPtrs->ContextRecord->IntRa ; g_stFrame.AddrReturn.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; g_stFrame.AddrStack.Offset = (DWORD)pExPtrs->ContextRecord->IntSp ; g_stFrame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; g_stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset = (DWORD)pExPtrs->ContextRecord->IntFp ; g_stFrame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat ; #endif return ( InternalGetStackTraceString ( dwOpts , pExPtrs ) ) ; } LPCTSTR BUGSUTIL_DLLINTERFACE __stdcall GetNextStackTraceString ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) { // All error checking is in InternalGetStackTraceString. // Assume that GetFirstStackTraceString has already initialized the // stack frame information. return ( InternalGetStackTraceString ( dwOpts , pExPtrs ) ) ; } BOOL __stdcall CH_ReadProcessMemory ( HANDLE , LPCVOID lpBaseAddress , LPVOID lpBuffer , DWORD nSize , LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead ) { return ( ReadProcessMemory ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , lpBaseAddress , lpBuffer , nSize , lpNumberOfBytesRead ) ) ; } // The internal function that does all the stack walking LPCTSTR __stdcall InternalGetStackTraceString ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) { TRACE0 ( "GetStackTraceString - invalid pExPtrs!\n" ) ;   return ( NULL ) ; } // The value that is returned LPCTSTR szRet ; // A temporary variable for all to use. This variable saves // stack space. DWORD dwTemp ; // The module base address. I look this up right after the stack // walk to ensure that the module is valid. DWORD dwModBase ; __try { // Initialize the symbol engine in case it isn't initialized. InitSymEng ( ) ; #ifdef _WIN64 #define CH_MACHINE IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 #else #define CH_MACHINE IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 #endif // Note: If the source file and line number functions are used, // StackWalk can cause an access violation. BOOL bSWRet = StackWalk ( CH_MACHINE , (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , GetCurrentThread ( ) , &g_stFrame , pExPtrs->ContextRecord , (PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE) CH_ReadProcessMemory , SymFunctionTableAccess , SymGetModuleBase , NULL ) ; if ( ( FALSE == bSWRet ) || ( 0 == g_stFrame.AddrFrame.Offset ) ) { szRet = NULL ;  __leave ; } // Before I get too carried away and start calculating // everything, I need to double-check that the address returned // by StackWalk really exists. I've seen cases in which // StackWalk returns TRUE but the address doesn't belong to // a module in the process. dwModBase = SymGetModuleBase ( (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset ); if ( 0 == dwModBase ) { szRet = NULL ;  __leave ; } int iCurr = 0 ; // At a minimum, put in the address. #ifdef _WIN64 iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "0x%016X" ) , g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset ) ; #else iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%04X:%08X" ) , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegCs , g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset ) ; #endif // Output the parameters? if ( GSTSO_PARAMS == ( dwOpts & GSTSO_PARAMS ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " ( 0x%08X 0x%08X "\ "0x%08X 0x%08X )" ) , g_stFrame.Params[ 0 ] , g_stFrame.Params[ 1 ] , g_stFrame.Params[ 2 ] , g_stFrame.Params[ 3 ] ) ; } // Output the module name. if ( GSTSO_MODULE == ( dwOpts & GSTSO_MODULE ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( " " ) ) ; ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE - MAX_PATH ) ) ; iCurr += BSUGetModuleBaseName ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , (HINSTANCE)dwModBase , g_szBuff + iCurr , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr ) ; } ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE - MAX_PATH ) ) ; DWORD dwDisp ; // Output the symbol name? if ( GSTSO_SYMBOL == ( dwOpts & GSTSO_SYMBOL ) ) { // Start looking up the exception address. PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL pSym = (PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)&g_stSymbol ; ZeroMemory ( pSym , SYM_BUFF_SIZE ) ; pSym->SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ; pSym->MaxNameLength = SYM_BUFF_SIZE - sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) ; if ( TRUE == SymGetSymFromAddr ( (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset , &dwDisp , pSym ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( ", " ) ) ; // Copy no more symbol information than there's room for. dwTemp = lstrlen ( pSym->Name ) ; if ( dwTemp > (DWORD)( BUFF_SIZE - iCurr _ ( MAX_SYM_SIZE + 50 ) ) ) { lstrcpyn ( g_szBuff + iCurr , pSym->Name , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr - 1 ) ; // Gotta leave now szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } else { if ( dwDisp > 0 ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T( "%s()+%04d byte(s)") , pSym->Name , dwDisp ) ; } else { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s" ) , pSym->Name ) ; } } } else { // If the symbol wasn't found, the source file and line // number won't be found either, so leave now. szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } } ASSERT ( iCurr < ( BUFF_SIZE - MAX_PATH ) ) ; // Output the source file and line number information? if ( GSTSO_SRCLINE == ( dwOpts & GSTSO_SRCLINE ) ) { ZeroMemory ( &g_stLine , sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ) ; g_stLine.SizeOfStruct = sizeof ( IMAGEHLP_LINE ) ; if ( TRUE == InternalSymGetLineFromAddr ( (HANDLE) GetCurrentProcessId ( ), g_stFrame.AddrPC.Offset , &dwDisp , &g_stLine ) ) { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( ", " ) ) ; // Copy no more of the source file and line number // information than there's room for. dwTemp = lstrlen ( g_stLine.FileName ) ; if ( dwTemp > (DWORD)( BUFF_SIZE - iCurr _ ( MAX_PATH + 50 ) ) ) { lstrcpyn ( g_szBuff + iCurr , g_stLine.FileName , BUFF_SIZE - iCurr - 1 ) ; // Gotta leave now szRet = g_szBuff ;  __leave ; } else { if ( dwDisp > 0 ) { iCurr += wsprintf(g_szBuff + iCurr , _T("%s, line %04d+%04d byte(s)"), g_stLine.FileName , g_stLine.LineNumber , dwDisp ) ; } else { iCurr += wsprintf ( g_szBuff + iCurr , _T ( "%s, line %04d" ) , g_stLine.FileName , g_stLine.LineNumber ) ; } } } } szRet = g_szBuff ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ASSERT ( !"Crashed in InternalGetStackTraceString" ) ; szRet = NULL ; } return ( szRet ) ; } BOOL __stdcall GetFirstStackTraceStringVB ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs , LPTSTR szBuff , UINT uiSize ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } LPCTSTR szRet ; __try { szRet = GetFirstStackTraceString ( dwOpts , pExPtrs ) ; if ( NULL == szRet ) {  __leave ; } lstrcpyn ( szBuff , szRet , min ( (UINT)lstrlen ( szRet ) + 1 , uiSize ) ) ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szRet = NULL ; } return ( NULL != szRet ) ; } BOOL __stdcall GetNextStackTraceStringVB ( DWORD dwOpts , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs , LPTSTR szBuff , UINT uiSize ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } LPCTSTR szRet ; __try { szRet = GetNextStackTraceString ( dwOpts , pExPtrs ) ; if ( NULL == szRet ) {  __leave ; } lstrcpyn ( szBuff , szRet , min ( (UINT)lstrlen ( szRet ) + 1 , uiSize ) ) ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szRet = NULL ; } return ( NULL != szRet ) ; } LPCTSTR __stdcall GetRegisterString ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs ) { // Check the parameter. ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadReadPtr ( pExPtrs , sizeof ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS ) ) ) { TRACE0 ( "GetRegisterString - invalid pExPtrs!\n" ) ; return ( NULL ) ; } #ifdef _WIN64 ASSERT ( !"IA64 is not supported (YET!) " ) ; #else // This call puts 48 bytes on the stack, which could be a problem when // the stack is blown. wsprintf ( g_szBuff , _T ( "EAX=%08X EBX=%08X ECX=%08X EDX=%08X ESI=%08X\n"\ "EDI=%08X EBP=%08X ESP=%08X EIP=%08X FLG=%08X\n"\ "CS=%04X DS=%04X SS=%04X ES=%04X "\ "FS=%04X GS=%04X" ) , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Eax , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Ebx , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Ecx , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Edx , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Esi , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Edi , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Ebp , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Esp , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->Eip , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->EFlags , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegCs , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegDs , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegSs , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegEs , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegFs , pExPtrs->ContextRecord->SegGs ) ; #endif return ( g_szBuff ) ; } BOOL __stdcall GetRegisterStringVB ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs , LPTSTR szBuff , UINT uiSize ) { ASSERT ( FALSE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) ; if ( TRUE == IsBadWritePtr ( szBuff , uiSize ) ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } LPCTSTR szRet ; __try { szRet = GetRegisterString ( pExPtrs ) ; if ( NULL == szRet ) {  __leave ; } lstrcpyn ( szBuff , szRet , min ( (UINT)lstrlen ( szRet ) + 1 , uiSize ) ) ; } __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { szRet = NULL ; } return ( NULL != szRet ) ; } LPCTSTR ConvertSimpleException ( DWORD dwExcept ) { switch ( dwExcept ) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE" ) ) ; break ; case EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE : return ( _T ( "EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE" ) ) ; break ; default : return ( NULL ) ; break ; } } BOOL InternalSymGetLineFromAddr ( IN HANDLE hProcess , IN DWORD dwAddr , OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement , OUT PIMAGEHLP_LINE Line ) { #ifdef WORK_AROUND_SRCLINE_BUG // The problem is that the symbol engine finds only those source // line addresses (after the first lookup) that fall exactly on // a zero displacement. I'll walk backward 100 bytes to // find the line and return the proper displacement. DWORD dwTempDis = 0 ; while ( FALSE == SymGetLineFromAddr ( hProcess , dwAddr - dwTempDis , pdwDisplacement , Line ) ) { dwTempDis += 1 ; if ( 100 == dwTempDis ) { return ( FALSE ) ; } } // I found the line, and the source line information is correct, so // change the displacement if I had to search backward to find // the source line. if ( 0 != dwTempDis ) { *pdwDisplacement = dwTempDis ; } return ( TRUE ) ; #else // WORK_AROUND_SRCLINE_BUG return ( SymGetLineFromAddr ( hProcess , dwAddr , pdwDisplacement , Line ) ) ; #endif } // Initializes the symbol engine if needed void InitSymEng ( void ) { if ( FALSE == g_bSymEngInit ) { // Set up the symbol engine. DWORD dwOpts = SymGetOptions ( ) ; // Turn on line loading and deferred loading. SymSetOptions ( dwOpts | SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES ) ; // Force the invade process flag no matter what operating system // I'm on. HANDLE hPID = (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ; VERIFY ( BSUSymInitialize ( (DWORD)hPID , hPID , NULL , TRUE ) ) ; g_bSymEngInit = TRUE ; } } // Cleans up the symbol engine if needed void CleanupSymEng ( void ) { if ( TRUE == g_bSymEngInit ) { VERIFY ( SymCleanup ( (HANDLE)GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ) ) ; g_bSymEngInit = FALSE ; } } 

To set your filter function, simply call SetCrashHandlerFilter. Internally, SetCrashHandlerFilter saves your filter function to a static variable and calls SetUnhandledExceptionFilter to set the real exception filter, CrashHandlerExceptionFilter. If you don't add any modules that limit the exception filtering, CrashHandlerExceptionFilter will always call your exception filter no matter which module had the hard crash. Calling your exception filter if no modules were added was by design—so that you'd have to use only one API call to set your final exception handling. It's best if you call SetCrashHandlerFilter as soon as you can and make sure that you call it again with NULL right before you unload so that you allow my crash handler code to remove your filter function.

AddCrashHandlerLimitModule is where you add a module to limit the crash handling. All you need to pass to this function is the HMODULE for the module in question. If you have multiple modules that you want to limit crash handling to, just call AddCrashHandlerLimitModule for each one. The array of module handles is allocated from the main process heap.

As you look at the various functions in Listing 9-5, you'll notice that I don't make any C run-time library calls. Because the crash handler routines are called only in extraordinary situations, I can't rely on the run time being in a stable state. To clean up any memory that I allocated, I use an automatic static class whose destructor is called when BUGSLAYERUTIL.DLL is unloaded. I also provide a couple of functions that allow you to get the limit module size and a copy of the array—GetLimitModuleCount and GetLimitModulesArray. I'll leave it up to you to write a RemoveCrashHandlerLimitModule function.

One interesting aspect of the implementation in CRASHHANDLER.CPP is how I handle initializing the DBGHELP.DLL symbol engine. Because the crash handler code can be called at any time, I needed a way to get all the process's modules loaded at the time of the crash. SymInitialize will take care of this automatically for you by setting its third parameter, fInvadeProcess, to TRUE. Unfortunately, invading the process and loading all the modules will work only on Windows 2000, not on Windows 98. However, the BSUSymInitialize function from BUGSLAYERUTIL.DLL will hunt down all the loaded modules and load them one at a time so that you can have the same behavior on Windows 98.

Debugging Applications
Debugging Applications for MicrosoftВ® .NET and Microsoft WindowsВ® (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735615365
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 122
Authors: John Robbins © 2008-2017.
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