

IBM, 940 “941
IBM Common User Access (CUA) standard, 448
IBM Corporation, 11
IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/ 390 V3R1, 11
IBM WebSphere platform, 11
ICachedReport interface, 600
ICF (Integrated Catalog Facility) system, 344
IDEs (integrated development environments), 134 “137. See also Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)
IDictionary interface, 591
IE (Internet Explorer), 75 “78
IEBGENER utility programs, 324
IHttpHandler interface, 473, 559
IHttpModule interface, 473, 559
IIS 6.0: New Features Improve Your Web Server s Performance, Reliability, and Scalability (Web site), 92
IIS (Internet Information Services), 86 “87, 672 “676
ILDASM utility, 197 “201
displaying SystemIOExampleCobol.exe with, 349 “350
graphical tree view of assembly
metadata with, 704 “705
reading assembly metadata with, 685
Web site, 203
image files, 339
Immediate window (VS. NET), 899
Implements directive, 683
implements keyword, 928
Import directive, 683
Import statement, 234
IMS (Information Management System), 411
INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards), 28
Increment method, 521
increment operator (++), 922, 924
Inetinfo.exe process, 849
information delivery, 598
information delivery (.NET), 45
Information Management System (IMS), 411
inheritance, 100 “101, 948
in-process session state, 587 “588
InprocServer32 program, 778
installing software, problems with, 78
instance constructors, 287
instances, 221
instantiation of objects, 99
instrumentation, 755
Int32 variables , 298
Int8 data type, 180
Integrated Catalog Facility (ICF) system, 344
integrated development environments (IDEs), 134 “137. See also Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)
Intellisense feature (VS .NET), 236 “237
Interactive SQL, 366
Interactive System Programming Facility (ISPF), 34
interfaces, 206, 218 “219, 500 “501
standard for, 449
usability of, 449 “452
Web browser-based, 453
Windows application-based , 453
InterLocked class, 854
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS), 28
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 7, 8, 28
International Standard (IS), 6
Internet Explorer (IE), 75 “78
Internet Information Services Features, 92
Internet Information Services (IIS), 86 “87, 672 “676
Internet Server Application Programming
Interface (ISAPI), 472 “473
Internet server software, 472
interoperability, 50 “51
INTERTEST debugging software, 886
intranet browsers, 476
intrinsic functions, 184
IS (International Standard), 6
ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface), 472 “473
IsCompleted property, 822
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 7, 8, 28
ISO/ANSI standard. See COBOL standards
ISPF (Interactive System Programming Facility), 34
ISVs, using utilities provided by, 157 “158
Items property, 591
Itzik Ben-Gan, 91

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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