

abstraction, 101
Access, 361
access attributes, 315 “316
Access Control Facility (ACF2), 468
access control list (ACL), 724
accessibility, 450
accessing data, 37 “40
ACF2 (Access Control Facility), 468
ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) test, 756
ACL (access control list), 724
Acrobat Reader, 91
ACT. See Application Center Test (ACT) Active Directory, 343, 344 “345
Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI), 344
Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)
in applications development, 451
cache management, 556 “561
vs. CICS
application level, 473 “477
system level, 472 “473
Fujitsu support for, 13
HTTP requests in, 476
output cache, 557 “561
software installations in, 645
state management, 556, 562
client-based, 563 “572
decision tree,563
server-based, 573 “589
Web Applications (see Web Applications)
Web Services (see Web Services)
Web sites, 549, 678, 911
Windows Installer in, 647
XML child element for, 709
XML configuration file, 709
Acucorp, 13 “14
Add New Item dialog box (VS. NET), 902
Add New Project window (VS .NET), 658 , 902
Add Project Output Group dialog box (VS .NET), 648 “649
Add Project Output Group window (VB .NET), 655
ADDRESS OF register (COBOL), 217
Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF), 85, 614
Adobe Acrobat Reader, 91
ADO.NET, 384
Connection object, 521
general view of, 385
.NET data providers, 385 “389
.NET Dataset, 389 “394
using, 394 “405
COBOL for .NET sample program, 399 “405
Visual Basic .NET sample program, 395 “399
Web site, 407
ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best
Practices for VB Programmers, 406
AdRotator control, 531
ADSI (Active Directory Services Interfaces), 344
Advanced .NET Remoting in VB .NET, 878
Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000, 91, 406
aged objects, 251, 252 “253
Algorithm property, 721 Web Services Developer s Kit, 546
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 7, 8, 28
Americans with Disabilities Act, 450
ANSI 74 standard, 852
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 7, 8, 28
ANSI X3J4 committee. See J4 committee
Apache Internet software, 472
apartment model, 778
API (application programming interface), 338
App.config file, 707
AppDomain PolicyLevelType, 730 “732
Application Blocks for .NET, 395
application cache, 557
Application Center, 646
Application Center Test (ACT), 262. See also debugging
stand-alone product, 907
in testing ASP.NET applications, 485
using inside Visual Studio .NET, 900 “909
Application class, 574 “578
application configuration files, 707
application designs, 447 “448
application domains, 248, 850 “851
application icon (app.ico), 922
Application object, 573
application pooling, 755
application programming interface (API), 338
Application property, 575 “576
application recycling, 755
Application_End event, 573
Application_OnEnd event method, 490
Application_OnStart event method, 490
Application_Start event, 557, 573
ApplicationActivationAttribute attribute, 766
ApplicationDirectory evidence, 726 “728
ApplicationInstance property, 575
application-level events, 559
application-level state, 572 “578
application/session-level events, 555
<appSettings></appSettings> child element, 709, 713 “717
Architecting Web Services , 548
Array class, 291, 856
ArrayList class, 291, 857
ArrayList.Synchronized method, 857
arrays, 180
memory usage, 181
vs. tables, 291
Web site, 319
Array.SyncRoot property, 856
ASCII files. See text files ASP.NET.
See Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)
Aspnet_wp.exe process, 849
.aspx files, 484, 496, 669
assembler codes, 246
assemblies, 196
default, 211 “212
.NET Framework, 235 “236
referencing, 212, 235 “236
strong names for, 642
Assembly directive, 683
assembly information file, 688
assembly manifest, 688
assembly metadata, 685
extending with custom attributes, 685 “687
graphical tree view display of, 704 “705
reading version information from, 778
assembly resource file, 718
AssemblyDescription attribute, 694
AssemblyHash structure, 721
AssemblyHashAlgorithm enumeration, 721
AssemblyInfo.vb file, 688 “689
assembly-level attributes, 765 “766
AssemblyTitle attribute, 694
enumeration, 721
ASyncCallback property, 822
asynchronous applications, 803 “804
asynchronous processing, 821 “825
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) in, 823 “825
.NET support for, 842 “843
rules (MSMQ), 836 “838
triggers (MSMQ), 839 “841
AsyncResult class, 822
ASyncState property, 822
ASyncWaitHandle property, 822
ATI (Automatic Transaction Initiation), 580
Attach to Process window (VS .NET), 893
attachment facilities, 385
access, 315 “316
assembly-level, 765 “766
creating, 685
HTML, 107
metadata, 348
of System.EnterpriseServices namespace, 766 “767
Web site, 319
AttributeUsage attribute, 694
authentication, 723
authoring with HTML, 106
AutoCompleteAttribute class, 760
automated software installation, 645 “647, 664
Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI), 580
Automation Samples for Visual Studio .NET Web site, 170
Autos window (VS .NET), 898

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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