Juniper Networks considers all written and practical JNTCP exam material to be confidential intellectual property. As such, an individual is not permitted to take home, copy, or re-create the entire exam or any portions thereof. It is expected that candidates who participate in the JNTCP will not reveal the detailed content of the exams.
For written exams delivered at Prometric testing centers, candidates must accept the online agreement before proceeding with the exam. When taking practical exams, candidates are provided with a hard-copy agreement to read and sign before attempting the exam. In either case, the agreement can be downloaded from the JNTCP website for your review prior to the testing date. Juniper Networks retains all signed hard-copy nondisclosure agreements on file.
Note | Candidates must accept the online JNTCP Online Agreement in order for their certifications to become effective and to have a certification number assigned. You can do this by going to the CertManager site at http://www.certmanager.net/juniper. |